
Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch

Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch

Iran-US tensions: Iran says it has successfully launched a military satellite, Noor. The Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran has given this information. But Iran’s claim has not been independently verified.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that Iran has violated the UN resolution and should be held responsible for it.

Prior to Mike Pompeo’s statement, US President Donald Trump had informed by tweeting that he has instructed the US Navy that if Iranian gunboats disturb American ships, then kill and destroy them.

A week ago, the US claimed that Iranian naval ships constantly harassed US Navy and Coast Guard ships.

Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch

Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch
Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch

The US Navy said that Iran’s ships are often very close to their ship at very high speed. Iran, on the other hand, alleges that the US gives details of these incidents like Hollywood. Iran claims that earlier this month, the US Navy blocked the Iranian shipway.

The tweet instructing Trump to attack has been criticized by the Iranian military. A spokesman for the Iranian military has said that instead of intimidating others, America should focus on protecting its soldiers infected with the Coronavirus.

In January this year, the US killed Qasim Sulemani, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, in a drone strike in Iraq. Iran, in turn, launched a missile attack on the US base. Both countries had come close to war.

What Iran said on satellite launch

Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch
Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch

The footage was shown on government television. A few lines of the Quran were also written on the satellite career program. IRGC Commander in Chief Major General Hussain Salami said that his army had taken a big step towards promoting a strategically important information system.

According to the Fars news agency, Salami said, “Today we are looking at the earth from the sky. This is the beginning of the formation of world power.”

Iran’s telecommunications minister Mohammad Jawad Azari has congratulated the Revolutionary Guard on this.

Iran did not successfully establish its communications satellite, Zafar, in February.

Last year, Iran tried to launch two other satellites, which failed. There was also a mysterious explosion last year, in which a satellite launch vehicle was destroyed.

Why is America worried

Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch
Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch

The Trump government has warned and said that the technology that has been used in satellite launches might help Iran in making intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The US says that this satellite launch is, therefore, a violation of the UN Security Council resolution, which states that Iran will not be involved in any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

Iran has denied the violation of the UN resolution. Iran says its space program is completely peaceful and has no intention of developing a nuclear weapon.

Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with the United States and other countries was approved in the same resolution as the United Nations Security Council. But President Trump canceled the deal two years ago. Trump alleged that the agreement had several deficiencies.

Trump had demanded that an agreement should be brought into place, under which Iran’s ballistic missile program was asked to stop.

How did America react

Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch
Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that it is the responsibility of every country to go to the United Nations and evaluate whether the missile launch is under the Security Council resolutions?

He said, “I don’t think that’s the case. I think Iran should be held responsible for this. Now they have a military organization that tries to launch the satellite, while the US considers it a terrorist organization.”

On President Trump’s directive from the US Navy, Pompeo said that it is clear that the American Navy can take necessary steps to save people’s lives and property.

Many senior US military officers have called Trump’s instructions important, saying that he has not told whether this is a change in US military policy towards Iran.

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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