
‘Stop the Invasion’: Ron DeSantis Previews Major Border Policy Rollout

‘Stop the Invasion’: Ron DeSantis Previews Major Border Policy Rollout

In recent news, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis revealed his major border policy in a video, promising to stop the invasion across the U.S.

‘Stop the Invasion’: Ron DeSantis Previews Major Border Policy Rollout

In his major policy rollout, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis released a video reviewing his border security policy to be released on Monday in which he vows to stop the invasion at the southern border as he campaigns for the 2024 presidential nomination.

The video says, “We will secure the border. We will stop the cartels. We will build the wall to stop the invasion. No excuses. Every day, Americans are less and less safe.”

The video pointed to the record number of people on the terror watch list and large amounts of fentanyl or deadly drugs being seized.

On Monday, after a long tour of the United States-Mexico border Sunday night, DeSantis announced his policy to strengthen border security at a campaign event in Eagle Pass, Texas.

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The Governor preferred the Eagle Pass region, perhaps because the area experienced huge migration during the migrant crisis in 2021.

In a statement, DeSantis said, “For decades, leaders from both parties have produced empty promises on border security, and now it is time to act, to stop the invasion once and for all. As president, I will declare a national emergency on day one and will not rest until we build the wall, shut down illegal entry, and win the war against the drug cartels. No excuses. We will get it done.”

As a Republican presidential candidate, DeSantis appears to consider immigration a top priority as the Governor has issued several anti-illegal immigration measures.

Earlier this year, he approved a sweeping anti-illegal immigration bill requiring the use of E-Verify by employers, penalties for human and drug smuggling, and filing a lawsuit against local jurisdictions for issuing IDs to illegal immigrants.

In his new policy rollout, DeSantis declared to end birthright citizenship and employ U.S. forces in Mexico to combat drug cartels.

In his new policy rollout, DeSantis declared to end birthright citizenship and employ U.S. forces in Mexico to combat drug cartels.

The Florida Governor’s immigration policy also includes an end to the United States catch-and-release policy, which allows the release of immigrants in the country unlawfully until their trial dates since federal immigration authorities fund only 30,000 beds, rendering it impossible to detain every arrested immigrant.

DeSantis vowed to shut down the border, declare a national emergency, build a Southern wall, end Biden-era policies, and re-establish the ‘Remain-in-Mexico’ policy.

He also stated to use military forces against drug cartels if required. The Florida Governor plans to approve appropriate rules of engagement at the border so that those trying to smuggle drugs into the U.S. are handled with force.

With many approaches to safeguard the country’s border, DeSantis will reserve the right to operate across the border to secure the U.S. territory from Mexican cartel activities. He plans to call for the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard to block precursor chemicals from entering Mexican ports if the Mexican government does not stop cartel drug manufacturing.

Although DeSantis’s immigration policy proposes many things about illegal immigrants in the country, his plan hardly states anything for the millions of immigrants already living in the country illegally except for sending those who have overstayed their visas.

DeSantis’ border security policy rollout in Texas has been the Governor’s first formal policy rollout with the slogan ‘Build the wall. No excuses’ since the Florida leader announced his 2024 presidential bid.

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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