The Plot Against the King is written by one of Trump’s Loyalists and Republicans Kash Patel, a hand-picked Pentagon chief of staff of former president Donald Trump. The book has been presented as both a fairytale and a fact by Conservative publisher Brave Books. It calls the book a “fantastical retelling of the terrible true story.” It was officially released on 1st April 2022. The story of the book depicts the incidents of the Trump-Russia election scam. The storyline in the book has been presented in the medium of fairytales to make it understandable for children. Kash Patel said in his statement that he believed it was important for people to know the truth in the fairytale.
The Plot Against the King Book by Kash Patel overview, storyline, details, and more
“A key player in uncovering one of our nation’s biggest injustices tells the whole story—for kids! Kash Patel partners with Beacon of Freedom Publishing House, an imprint of BRAVE Books, to bring a fantastical retelling of Hillary’s horrible plot against Trump to the whole family. Full of fake heralds and keeper Comey’s spying slugs, this is a story of daring and danger. But never fear! Kash the Distinguished Discoverer will win the day.” – reads the official description of the book.
The “fantastic retelling of the true story” narrates the story of how “Hillary Queenton and her shifty knight had spread lies that King Donald had cheated to become King. They claimed he was working with the Russians! But how could that be? Join Kash, the Distinguished Discoverer as he uncovers the plot against the King, and who was really behind all the lies.”
What Is The Plot Against the King Book by Kash Patel about?
The Plot Against the King features characters like ‘Hillary Queenton and “her shifty knight” who have conspired in a plot to blame ‘King Donald’ for working with ‘the Russians’ to cheat his path into power.
In the book, Kash has appeared as the ‘Distinguished Discoverer’ who attempted to prove that King Donald was falsely accused. It was also revealed that the dossier was “written” by Hillary Queenton and “put in a steel box”. But in reality, The actual ‘dossier’ was written by Christopher Steele, and leaked in 2017. The information contained in the dossier indicates that Trump worked with the Russian government to secure his position in the Oval Office.
A probe into the matter
In 2016, U.S. intelligence started its investigation in the summer a month before Steele Dossier was available. Investigation depicted that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to launch of an impactful campaign aimed at getting Trump elected in “2016” and “undermining public faith” in the process of being Democratic. The evidence was soundly supported in a bipartisan investigation later and the Senate Intelligence Committee reported it.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigated Kremlin’s collusion with the Trump campaign and revealed “numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign”. William Barr, Trump’s attorney general, determined that there was no conspiracy in it.
A Statement by the Publisher
“A key player in uncovering one of our nation’s biggest injustices tells the whole story — for kids! Kash Patel ….. brings a fantastical retelling of Hillary’s horrible plot against Trump to the whole family,” stated a spokesperson for the book’s publisher, Brave Books.
Some Reviews by the readers
- “This book is AWESOME! Thank you to Kash Patel for caring enough about our children to make sure they have the TRUTH about these issues! I ordered this for my grandchildren because I refuse to let The history of this unprecedented time be lost.”
- “A must-read. It is good that everyone learns history, and kids have a right to know . Although like Obama said, ” many will be on the wrong side of history “.
- “This is an awesome children’s book. It is very well written with beautiful illustrations with a captivating and ingenious storyline that is eerily parallel to the sneaky reality of what dishonestly happened to our president.”
- “The Demons have come out against this awesome book because they fear the truth. WWGWGA!”.
- “This is the most spectacular children’s book ever! This will be YUGE!! I know your family will enjoy it as much as mine did when King Donald was exonerated and Hillary Queenton Clinton was banished from the Kingdom once and for all!”.
- “This book is great. Kash Patel and Devin Nunes are patriots and heroes. My kids enjoyed the story”.
About Kash Patel
Kash Patel is an American attorney and former government official. He has also served as chief of staff to the Acting United States Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump. Patel has worked at the United States National Security Council and as the United States House of Representatives. He was previously a federal public defender, a federal prosecutor who worked on national security cases, and a legal liaison to the United States Armed Forces. He is from the Republican Party. Patel is known as a “Trump loyalist”. He is also known as the helping hand of Devin Nunes and being his helping hand Patel had played an important role in helping Republican attempts to disprove the scrutiny into Donald Trump and Russian interference in the 2016 election.
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