
Trump Endorses Jacky Eubanks for Michigan

Jacky Eubanks is a candidate for the 32nd district seat for the U.S. House. She is also the latest Republican nominee endorsed by Trump for Michigan.

Catching Trump’s eye

Eubanks seemingly has worked her “a*s off to get him (Trump) elected.” To borrow Trump’s vocabulary, this ‘brave’ lady spearheaded a grassroots-level survey of irregularities in the 2020 presidential election. Along with trusted aides, Eubanks took it upon herself to go door-to-door in Macomb County and Detroit to talk to voters and verify whether voters registered to those addresses lived there.

Eubanks made the scandalous claim that the error rate fluctuated consistently between 18% and 20%.

Trump hails Eubanks as a ‘courageous young woman.’ 

Fortune favors the brave. So does Trump. On December 13th, Trump released a statement on the Save America website announcing his official endorsement of Eubanks. The official statement read as follows: 

‘Every RINO runs as a supposed Conservative. Mitch McConnell says that he’s a Conservative, but he isn’t. Mike Shirkey and Lee Chatfield said they were Conservatives, but they are cowards who let Election Fraud happen in Michigan. The Michigan House has the subpoena returns stored with their so-called lawyers at Warner Norcross, but they won’t let anyone see them, including legislators. What are they hiding? A thousand affidavits showed voter fraud throughout Michigan, and where were our Legislators? They did nothing!

Jacky Eubanks has taken it upon herself to go out and document voter fraud. This courageous young woman went door-to-door in Macomb County and Detroit asking voters if they voted, and she is finding further proof of the rampant Election Fraud in 2020. The media could have done this work but wouldn’t. The Republicans in the Michigan Legislature could have done this work, but they are weak Republicans, so they did nothing. But Jacky Eubanks has been out there, working hard, on her own. I wholeheartedly Endorse Jacky Eubanks for Michigan State Representative. She is an America First Patriot, and I do not doubt that she will have a great future in the Republican Party!’

Trump rains hellfire on ‘cowards’ Shirkey and Chatfield

Trump expressed his disdain for quite a few fellow Republicans in his December 13th statement on the Save America website.

When faced with questions in November 2020 about whether he would attempt to intervene in the certification of Michigan’s election results on Washington DC airport, Shirkey began to sing a popular worship song called “I believe in a hill called Mount Calvary.”

Chatfield, R-Levering, and state Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake, met with Trump on a Friday afternoon in November 2020 at the White House. After the meeting, the pair issued a statement that said, in part, “we have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan.”

However, Trump tweeted twice after that day, responding to lawmakers with more baseless allegations of fraud and misconduct in Michigan. 

“This is true but much different than reported by the media. We will show massive and unprecedented fraud!” Trump tweeted in response to Shirkey’s tweet.

Trump tweeted, “Massive voter fraud will be shown in response to a Chatfield tweet!” Chatfield later deleted the said tweet.

Trump digs at McConnell and calls him a ‘Fake Republican.’

Also on the receiving end of Trump’s wrath in his December 13th statement was senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). 

McConnell apparently did not take former President Trump seriously or literally. According to a New York Times report on the days between Trump’s loss in the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 insurrection in the U.S. Capitol, McConnell thought Trump was “only blustering” when he repeatedly insisted the election was stolen from him. According to the Times, McConnell also received assurances from Jared Kushner that Trump would eventually concede. 

The Michigan House and Warner Norcross lawyers controversy

According to the Detroit Free Press, Trump’s campaign alleged election misconduct and asked the state to delay the counting of votes temporarily.

On Nov. 10, 2020, the campaign said it filed a lawsuit alleging, in part, that their poll watchers were harassed or turned away. The case asked the secretary of state not to certify the election results. Included in the lawsuit were affidavits from poll watchers who alleged they were kept too far away or that they were targets of intimidation.

Poll watchers have no role in counting votes. According to Reuters reporter Brad Heath, the city of Detroit filed a response in a related case and said what Republican poll watchers thought was evidence of fraud was just things they didn’t understand about how elections work. 

“Most of the objections raised in the submitted affidavits are grounded in an extraordinary failure to understand how elections function,” the city said in response. 

About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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