
Tucker Carlson: Invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from power

Tucker Carlson: Invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from power

Conservative political commentator and Fox News host Tucker Carlson has called for the 25th Amendment Act to be invoked on Monday, in order to remove President Biden from power.

“The joke is over. Too much is at stake,” Carlson said on Monday during his show Tucker Carlson Tonight. ”If there ever was a time — if there was in U.S. history ever a time to invoke the 25th Amendment, it is now. As Joe Biden himself put it, ”For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” For all of our sakes.”

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The 25th Amendment deals with presidential succession and gives the Vice President and the Cabinet power to remove the commander-in-chief from office if he is deemed unfit, through a majority vote. The Amendment has never been invoked in US history.

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“Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.” -states the 25th Amendment.

“Putin cannot remain in power” -said, President Biden

Tucker Carlson called to invoke the 25th Amendment in response to President Biden’s recent gaffes about Russia and its President. Biden recently made headlines when he said that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power” at a speech in Poland.

He later said that he wasn’t indicating a policy change, rather, he was indicating that Putin should not be allowed to exercise power over neighbouring countries. Biden still stands firm with his statement though.

Also read| Tamara Keith and Amy Walter On Biden’s Comments About Putin in Power

“I was expressing the moral outrage I felt … I had just come from being with those families. But I want to be clear that I wasn’t then, nor am I now, articulating a policy change,” he said. “I make no apologies for it,” he added, of his remarks on Saturday.

Biden made another significant gaffe on Friday when he told US troops in Poland that they shall witness Ukrainian bravery “when you’re there”. President Biden made this remark while addressing the members of the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division on Friday.

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“You’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see — you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle in front of a damned tank just saying, ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground,’” Biden said.

An official from the White House later clarified that the President wasn’t intending to change his stance on deploying the US military into war-torn Ukraine.

Biden also recently became a major subject of disdain for suggesting using nuclear weapons, in case Russia uses theirs.

“There has never been recklessness at this level in the White House”

The top-rated political commentator also claimed that 79-year-old Biden is incapable of controlling his emotions due to his advanced age and that the president’s recent behaviour is more dangerous and reckless than that of his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. Carlson said that there have been attacks on former President Donald Trump for being reckless, but that was nothing compared to what President Biden is doing.

Tucker Carlson

“There has never been recklessness at this level in the White House,” the FoxNews host said. “And yes, that includes the last president, who was often attacked for being reckless. Nothing he said compares to this.”

“It feels almost like we are being mean to the guy by quoting him, and no one wants that. No one is making fun of his age or his diminished condition, only trying to defend the country,” Carlson said.

Mark Levin says Biden is the “most disastrous president in modern American history”

Tucker Carlson is not the first to advocate using the 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from power. Right-wing political commentator Mark Levin with a huge conservative following echoed similar sentiments last year, when he bashed the President, calling him the “most disastrous president in modern American history” for the way he dealt with the coronavirus pandemic and the influx of immigrants during that time.

Mark Levin

“Isn’t it time to remove this guy from the Oval Office or at least make an effort? So you tough guy Republicans who come on here, you tough guy Republicans on radio, how about it? The ‘I’ word, impeachment, let’s start to talk about it. Or the 25th Amendment,” -Levin said.

“Ukraine is not a democracy” -Tucker Carlson

Ironically, Tucker Carlson has often appeared to be pro-Putin, considering his statements and commentaries about the Russian president. Carlson has made several commentaries in support of Putin, during his most recent shows, like “It’s “not un-American” to support Putin” and “unless Vladimir Putin has personally had you or one of your family members murdered, you really don’t have any right to criticize the guy”, including undermining Ukraine’s sovereignty, stating ” Ukraine is not a Democracy” and it’s just a “puppet of the West”. His commentaries were so Putin-aligned that their excerpts were featured on Russia’s national television, just hours before Putin ordered the assault on Ukraine to commence.



About the author

Roshan Ray

Roshan Ray is a versatile contributor at World-Wire, specializing in finance, celebrities, politics, and general news. He combines a deep understanding of finance with sharp political insights. Roshan also plays a key role in editorial leadership.

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