Watch The Real Story of Jan. 6 | Documentary Online

Watch The Real Story of Jan. 6 | Documentary Online

“The Real Story of Jan. 6 ” is a documentary online by The Epoch Times. They exposed the truth that has been hidden from America and its people by the corrupted ones of the country. “The Real Story of January 6,” showed what exactly happened that day was an insurrection. key events and truths have been ignored, until now. The documentary was released on Epoch Tv on 22 July 2022, taking an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it. The film questioned who was the culprit for the chaos that day. With many interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary reveals the real story of January 6.

Where and when to watch “The Real Story of Jan. 6” Documentary Online?

The Jan. 6 Documentary was officially released on Epoch TV. “The Jan. 6 documentary ” was premiered on 22nd July 2022. It is also available on rumble and other websites. 

Download “The Jan. 6 Documentary”

The Jan. 6 Documentary is available on the official website of Epoch Tv and you can also download the film from Epoch Tv or rumble.

Is “The Jan. 6 Documentary” free on Epoch Tv?

After 22 July 2022,  The Jan. 6 Documentary will cost $4.99 to purchase. The subscribers and non-subscribers can watch the film for free on 22nd July on Epoch TV. So please make sure that you watch it on July 22nd. The Jan. 6 Documentary will cost $19.99 for non-subscribers to purchase after 22nd July 2022. You can pre-order the DVD from the official website of Epoch times. The DVD is available now at a 20% discount. 

What happened on January 6?

Jan 6 documentary

As the president was speaking, a crowd outside the Capitol was swelling with anger. The people outside the Capitol began marching toward the police officers’ barrier and got past it. The police outnumbered and tried to control and stop them. Trump supporters took out their flags and weapons. One man was standing on a makeshift gallows. The crowd chanted “Fight for Trump.” Some have also argued in the trials that they went to the mob because Donald Trump told them to. Minutes later,  The House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi announces the legal process.

Also read || How to Watch Jan 6 hearings online

Donald Trump on January 6, 2021, ended his speech by saying “We will fight. We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore. So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.” A few minutes later a Capitol police officer asked for backup. “They’re throwing metal poles at us,” he said. “Multiple law-enforcement injuries,” he added in a panicked voice. Capitol police announced an evacuation warning.

Protesters surge past Capitol police protecting the west steps, the side facing the White House. Minutes later, an officer declared there was a riot at the Capitol. “We’re going to give riot warnings,” he says. “We’re going to try to get compliance but this is now effectively a riot.” Meanwhile, Vice President Mike Pence continued to preside over the session. The Secret Service quickly and suddenly evacuated Mr. Pence from the Senate floor. The protesters broke through the windows. 

The truth of jan 6

There was an immediate call for a Senate recess. Officer Eugene Goodman sprinted to address the initial breach a minute later. He alerted Senator Mitt Romney to the impending mob. Romney made a U-turn and ran for cover down a hallway in the legislature. A floor below them, the crowd had already started looking for the Senate chamber. Officer Goodman went to the first floor and ran into the mob there.

During the assault, the cop was observed arguing with a rioter. He tricked the rioters into leaving the top chamber. Numerous of these people had demanded that Mr. Pence be hanged. Ashli Babbitt’s death was confirmed by authorities fifteen minutes after Trump’s initial tweet. He called those in the Capitol “great patriots”.

The story told on  The Jan. 6 Documentary is simple; it is Ashli Babbitt’s story. This tells the story of her life, her love for her country, and the Air Force veteran’s sacrifices to it. Not Trump’s supporters, but the police officer who drew blood in the halls of Congress and those who support a murderer, are to blame for the trashing of Congress.  

“We are Being Censored, Help Spread the Documentary” Said Epoch Times

The real story of jan 6

While The Jan. 6 Documentary is revealing all the hidden truths of what happened on January 6. The Big Tech has censored and suppressed Epoch times. The Epoch Times introduced its Epoch TV as well as other non-cancelable platforms to reveal and spread the truth of Jan 6. You can stand up against censorship and Big Tech by sharing the documentary as much as you can on social media to make the people of America aware of the Jan. 6 documentary. The exclusive premiere of The Jan. 6 Documentary will be on Epoch TV on July 22.

Cast and Crew of the documentary

The film is narrated by Joshua Philipp, host of “Crossroads” on EpochTV and a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times. The cast includes Kash Patel, Victoria White, Luke Coffey, Aaron Babbitt, Jake Lang, Geri Perna, Stan Kephart, and Roman Balmakov.

kash patel

American attorney and former government official Kashyap Pramod “Kash” Patel. Under President Donald Trump, he served as the acting secretary of defense’s chief of staff. Patel previously served as a federal public defender, a federal prosecutor who focused on national security issues, and a legal liaison to the US Armed Forces. He has also worked in the US National Security Council and the US House of Representatives. A Republican, he is. News outlets have frequently referred to Patel as a “Trump loyalist.” Patel was instrumental in aiding Republican efforts to thwart inquiries into Donald Trump and Russian meddling in the 2016 election as Devin Nunes’s assistant.


General Gustave F. Perna, a former four-star officer in the US Army, most recently oversaw the federal COVID-19 response for vaccines and medications. From July 2020 until the White House COVID-19 Response Team assumed control of Operation Warp Speed’s tasks and responsibilities in February 2021, he was the operation’s chief operating officer. He managed the logistics of the US federal government’s provision of the vaccine to the COVID-19 pandemic as the COVID-19 response’s chief operating officer. On July 2, 2020, the Senate approved his nomination for chief operating officer, and he took up the position shortly after.

stan Kephart

Stan Kephart, a police chief who just resigned, has 42 years of varied experience working in law enforcement and security. Chief Kephart started his career as a police officer, working with distinction in two significant metropolitan police agencies. During this time, he gained competence in police administration and practices, as well as crowd control for sporting and other events. His selection as the security administrator for the wildly successful 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, where he distinguished himself as an international security expert, was the outcome of this experience. After the Games, Chief Kephart returned to law enforcement and was appointed director of the California Police/Fire Academy and dean of the department of administration of justice and fire science.

Roamn Balmakov

American journalist Roman Balmakov worked as a Senior Account Executive and Account Manager for the advertising division of the conservative newspaper The Epoch Times, which is run by the Falun Gong sect in China. Balmakov attended school in Ohio, earning his high school diploma from Beachwood High School and his law degree from Daytona State College. He then converted to Falun Gong together with his wife Christine Yee-Le Lin and spent several years delivering newspapers for The Epoch Times.

What did the editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times say about the Jan. 6 Documentary?

Jasper Fakkert, editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times, said: “There has been a narrative perpetuated about January 6 that omits many of the facts about what happened that day which have been shown to the audience of America.”

“We examine the problems, the individuals, and the effects of the events objectively using in-depth interviews and privileged video evidence.” “The shooting death of 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt and the deaths of three additional supporters of former President Donald J. Trump is both closely examined in the movie,” said Jasper Fakkert.

The Epoch Times

He also said “It examines how the police handled the large crowds and use of force in the area of the US Capitol. It explores the effects of January 6 on people, including one defendant’s suicide and the prolonged pretrial detention of numerous others. It also looks into allegations that several assaults on the Capitol and law enforcement were committed by unindicted dubious players.”

For the subscribers, they have made The Jan. 6 Documentary free. Even if  the documentary production costs are high, they think the significance of the subject exceeds this. It is crucial to give facts the broadest possible reach because the world is currently engaged in a conflict between the truth and lies. Join Epoch TV today to support real, unfiltered journalism.


About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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