
What is Antifa terrorist organization: Why Did Donald Trump has declared Antifa as a terrorist organization

What is Antifa terrorist organization

What is Antifa terrorist organization: US President Donald Trump has spoken of declaring the anti-fascist group Antifa as a ‘terrorist‘ organization.  They have alleged that Antifa provoked riots in the protests over the death of US citizen George Floyd. 

Trump has claimed that the campaign started for George Floyd has been seized and has now decided to declare such people as terrorists.  Trump has tweeted that the US will call Antifa a terrorist organization. Trump has attributed the violence to leftist organizations commonly called Antifa.

What is Antifa terrorist organization
What is Antifa terrorist organization

Violent protests continue in the United States on Monday for the sixth night in a row over the death of a black civilian George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer.

Curfew has been imposed in at least 40 cities due to the protests, but even then people are taking to the streets. There have been reports of fresh clashes between police and protesters in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles.

Police have to fire tear gas to disperse the protesters. In many places, people have set police vehicles on fire and looted the shops.

Trump targeted Antifa

What is Antifa terrorist organization
What is Antifa terrorist organization

President Trump said on his Twitter handle that “the ‘chaotic elements led by Antifa’ and the ‘chaotic elements of the radical left are responsible for this violence.” 

However, he has not given any more information about it. They have not even told when and how they are going to declare Antifa as a terrorist organization.

What is an Antifa terrorist organization?

What is Antifa terrorist organization
What is Antifa terrorist organization

Antifa is an opposition group of right-wing politics. People from Antifa have been coming online and on the streets against fascist ideology. 

In America, the Antifa movement is used for the leftist and anti-fascist movements. These people are against neo-Nazi, neo-fascism, white supremacy and apartheid and stand against the government. 

People associated with this movement usually hold peaceful demonstrations, hold rallies. However, cases of violent clashes were also seen at several places in the fresh movement. 

What is Antifa terrorist organization
What is Antifa terrorist organization

Those associated with Antifa believe that their group came into existence in the 1920s and 1930s with the Movement against European fascist forces.

Speaking to our sources, Mark Bray, author of “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook”, said that the modern American Antifa movement had its origins in the 1980s. And it started with a group called Anti-Racist Action.

Members of this group opposed neo-Nazism in some places in America. But by the early 2000s, this movement was almost over.

What is Antifa terrorist organization
What is Antifa terrorist organization

In recent times, since the rise of Donald Trump to become President and the rise of conservatives, this movement is raising its head once again.

People associated with this group say that it includes people inspired by many types of political ideology.

Still, in the case of opposing fascism, these groups are united and have an anti-government ideology. And he wants to create a movement that “strengthens us against the policies of President Donald Trump.”

Antifa people wear black clothes

What is Antifa terrorist organization
What is Antifa terrorist organization

From the anarchists in West Germany to the Cold War period, all those who believe in Antifa’s ideology wear black clothes.  Many times these people cover their faces with masks or wear helmets so that the police or opponents do not recognize them. In a way, it is also a dreaded method known as “black block”. 

In this way, they can live together as a group of strangers. However, many other groups have also emerged from the Antifa group.  In Oregon, there is a group called “Snack Block” which arranges for people to eat food for the people who are protesting.

One member of the group says, “These are not just about opposing the federal government, but it is also to oppose the steps which can lead the country towards fascism. 

And such steps also took the authority at the local level. Or a local right-wing movement. “

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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