
What is Telethon 3-day Thanksathon broadcast by Mike Lindell?

This popular My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell, is an active trump supporter. Apart from this, he is an American Businessman with a pillow, bedding, and slipper manufacturing company. He, in a recent chat with a right-winged person, Steve Bannon, claimed that the 2020 elections were stolen from Trump the 45th president of The United States.

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WATCH LIVE –   Mike Lindell’s 96 hour Thanks A Thon Livestream

What is Thanksathon?

In general, a Thanksathon is the telecast of an event started for a specific purpose. Mike Lindell during a chat with the host and right-winged person, Steve Bannon, announced the massive three-day Thanksathon that he is going to be holding on the day of  Thanksgiving. This telethon will be held on his own website “FrankSpeech.com”. 

Although there is absolutely no proof that his predictions come true, yet he decides to file a case in the Supreme Court for his claim. Also, he announces a live telecast of dropping the case in the Supreme Court, so that he can express his views and opinions on this. He also claims that this is the biggest crime in the world and the biggest cover-up ever seen in the US. 

Lindell is an extremely biased supporter of the former US President. Hence he is getting huge criticism due to his extremely outlandish remarks and irrational predictions. 

Other claims made by Mike Lindell during the chat with Steve Bannon

When Steve Bannon said that this election issue might create fistfights during the thanksgiving dinner, Lindell again claimed that almost 30% of the Democrats are now of the opinion that the country was stolen. He further added that this will not divide but unite the people. 

In the past, Mike Lindell has avidly supported Donald Trump and his decisions. All of these claims might not be true, but only the future can tell. 

He had also previously predicted that the supreme court of the United States will overturn the election results in August. That never materialized. It puts an increasing favor on the fact that he may be biased on all of this. 

Many different claims are being made as to how this is going to happen? Also why Mike Lindell is making these claims? This political upheaval might turn out to be completely irrational. It may also cause an unwanted disturbance at the time of thanksgiving.  

Also read:

Mike Lindell to Hold a Telethon event on 25th November 2021

About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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