
World Environment Day: Everything You Need To Know

World Environment Day 2020: Everything You Need To Know

World Environment Day: This year, the whole world is plagued by Coronavirus infection. To avoid the coronavirus infection, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a lockdown in the country from March 21. 

After this, private vehicles stopped on roads across the country. Only commercial vehicles carrying essential goods were allowed to land on the way. 

With this, construction work was banned in the whole country. Due to this, the level of pollution in the whole country has come down considerably. 

The unity of India was brought to a standstill due to the corona lockdown, which is directly visible in the level of pollution. There has been a significant decline in pollution.

US Space Agency NASA satellite data has revealed that these days air pollution signifies the lowest level in North India in 20 years. 

NASA obtained information about aerosols in the atmosphere for this. Then compared the latest figures to the photographs taken between 2016 and 2019.

Despite the outbreak of coronavirus, environmental pollution is going to be different from every year, due to the fall in pollution levels this year. 

Due to the lockdown this year, you will have to celebrate Environment Day at home.  You can also celebrate Environment Day by staying at home. And can also protect the environment.

Celebrate World Environment Day
World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day
  • Due to the coronavirus, the use of pan masala and spitting on the side have been banned in many states of India. 
  • We can improve the habit of spitting here and there and also become part of the anniversary day.
  • Do set a plant at home on the occasion of Environment Day.
  • By recycling household items like plastic, paper, etc., we can try to prevent pollution. 
  • We can use it as a pot by cutting old plastic bottles in the middle.
  • By stopping using polythene, we can use cloth bags.
  • Instead of fridge water, make a habit of drinking cold pot water.
  • We can also help in preventing pollution by using fewer such names.
Why World Environment Day is celebrated
World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day

World Environment Day makes us feel that we should respect nature and we should love nature. Trees and plants should not be destroyed for their amenities. 

Instead, trees and plants should be planted as much as possible so that our earth remains green. In modern times, industrialization has increased the number of carbon emissions many times. 

The pollution caused by carbon can be reduced only when we plant lots of trees. Protect the river, drain, dharna etc. A beautiful gift of nature rainbow of water, understand the importance of water conservation.

Water flowing through nature-provided rivers, beautiful waterfalls, lush green mountains, delightful gardens, breathtaking valleys covered with lush green trees, the beauty of mountainous areas, the enjoyment of snow on the hills, summer hill stations, dense green forests, Deer, reindeer in the sanctuaries, monkeys jumping, roaming lions, birds tweeting, dancing peacocks, sweet cuckoos, colorful, sea waves, rainy whimpers, spring greens Who does not mind the beautiful eyes of This beautiful gift of nature makes human life comfortable, simple and joyful.

World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day

This is what is called the designation, the periphery or enclosure around us, in the name of the environment. Water, air, earth, fire, and sky are fundamental elements of human life. 

It is from these five elements that the creation of human life is considered, and from this is our creation and human existence. 

As long as the coordination, balance, and organization of these five elements of the universe remain united in the prescribed quantity, we say that our environment is right. 

As the balance of these components deteriorates, the situation also deteriorates, and we say that the climate is getting contaminated.  The relationship between nature and man has been interdependent since the beginning.

World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day

Talking about these components of the environment, we see that civilizations developed along the banks of rivers from time immemorial. 

The rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Kaveri, Shipra, etc., are always considered sacred, and the worship of Goddess Swaroop is going on continuously. 

Our sacred holy rivers are being polluted today because of us. We do not believe that and are engaged in the rituals of the human funeral, throwing dirty garbage, leaving drains in rivers, and polluting them the next day. 

According to a report, 150 rivers have been wholly polluted in the country, and Maharashtra has the highest number of 28 streams alone. 

Sand mining from the stomach is a significant threat to the life of rivers. Many rivers have disappeared from the map, and some rivers have become narrow. 

Had the rivers only been considered as a river, perhaps the river would have been clean and we would not have to undertake campaigns like Ganga Swachhata. 

World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day

Cleanliness practice has to be done to cleanse the river Ganges. For our fun, we left no stone unturned to pollute our reservoirs and lakes by developing hotels and recreational facilities along the riverside.

Glaciers in the Himalayas are melting with rising temperatures. Some glaciers have changed their location. 

The melting of glaciers brings all the water into the rivers and creates the life of the river. If the temperature continued to rise and glaciers ceased to exist, then the rivers would avoid. 

Here we see an outbreak of the fire element of nature along with water as the temperature increases. The temperature rise has had an impact on our environment and weather cycle. 

Rainy days have decreased. Still, we are indifferent to rainwater conservation. 

World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day

There is also a need to conserve traditional water sources, step-wells, and ponds. Lack of water has affected not only humans but also animals and birds living in the forests. 

Earlier, when there was plenty of rain, the woods were too green, the water sources were full of water, and there was no shortage of water throughout the year. 

Now many times the situation becomes such that the government has to make arrangements for drinking water for animals and birds.

 Talking about the availability of life-giving valuable water elements in the five ghost elements of the world, it would be surprising to know that only 3 percent of water is potable, out of which 2 percent water is in the form of glaciers and ice and the real sense only 1 percent water. 

World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day

Potable available. In this too, a large part of the water is used for irrigation. In this way, clean drinking water is open in tiny quantities, while 97 percent of the total water is saline, it is not potable. 

With rapid industrialization and urbanization increased, providing pure drinking water to all is no less than a choice. 

In summer, a severe water crisis arises in many places in the country, and every time it will rain and think that the crisis will go away, as soon as we remove the summer season. Rain comes, but the rainy days are getting shorter. 

If conditions become flooded, then there is no average rainfall. We are in the heat of the summer water crisis, and we do not pay attention to water conservation for years. 

World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day

Be indifferent to it. The government has started a campaign to conserve water from its level, but the citizens’ apathy towards it is worrying. 

Some work of saving rainwater is done in the villages. Still, in cities, there is not even a slight feeling of responsibility towards it. 

Another fact to be noted is that according to experts, 86 percent of diseases are due to the use of polluted and unsafe water. 

It is estimated that 1.10 billion people in the world are forced to drink unsafe water. About 1600 aquatic species are on the verge of extinction due to contaminated water.

World Environment Day 2020
World Environment Day

Man blindly harvested trees for his needs. The forests started emptying and also created a crisis for the animals and birds. 

There is a lack of trees and in the coming days, there will be incidents of rocks tumbling and falling. Our water should not be polluted, the air should be pure, plant more and more trees, prevent rivers from getting contaminated, there should be measures for the proper conservation of rainwater, avoid forest felling and we should also create a pleasant environment. 

Future generations also Are aware and aware of this. We have to save our earth along with water.  The only way to maintain the combination of the elements of the planet is to save the cut forests and plant more and more trees. 

People come forward to conserve rainwater and protect the water from getting polluted.

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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