
Biden announces new Department of Education position to combat ‘book bans’

Biden announces new Department of Education position to combat 'book bans'

Biden’s government vowed to create a new position at the Education Department to regulate book bans in public schools nationwide in an attempt to support the LGBTQI+ community.

Let’s analyze the news and read what the government said while announcing its move.

Biden Announces New Department of Education Position To Combat’ Book Bans’

Marking Pride Month, President Joe Biden announced on Thursday that his government has endeavored to regulate the increasing book ban in the country by creating an office of coordinator at the Department of Education. The White House is establishing the position with many other initiatives to support the LGBTQI+ community.

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In a press release, the White House declared, “Across the country, our nation faces a spike in book-bans efforts that  disproportionately strip books about LGBTQI+ communities, communities of color, and other communities off library and classroom shelves.”

Highlighting the increase in book bans, the White House said, “2022 saw the highest number of book bans in 20 years. Book banning erodes our democracy, removes vital resources for student learning, and can contribute to the stigma and isolation that LGBTQI+ people and other communities face.”

The President will appoint a new federal coordinator to address the growing book bans in schools nationwide. While there is no information regarding who would be appointed for the new position of coordinator, White House officials said the new coordinator would be contained within the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and would work to provide new training for schools in the country on how the book- bans targeting specific communities create a hostile school environment and violate federal civil rights laws.

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Giving details of the position, the White House domestic policy adviser Neera Tanden said,” The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights will appoint a new coordinator to regulate book banning and to offer training and resources to schools to help them understand that students have a right to learn free from discrimination. Book bans may violate federal civil rights laws if they create a hostile environment for the student.”

Biden’s decision to create the office came after the report of the alarming increase in the number of book bans. According to America’s Index of School Book Bans, there were almost 1,500 book bans in schools during the first half of this school year, affecting 874 different titles and representing a nearly 30% increase in book bans over the previous school year.

Biden announce new Department of Education position to combat 'book bans'

The President also announced new measures to protect LGBTQ+ communities from attacks, help youngsters with mental health resources, counter homelessness, etc. Many notable personalities, including Tanden, and American Library Association (ALA) President Lessa Kanani’opua, appreciated the move.

In a statement, ALA President noted,” We are heartened by the Biden-Harris Administration’s rule to address the alarming rise in book bans and other attacks on LGBTQIA+ Americans that aim to erase the voices of the LGBTQIA+ community. ”

He ascertained that everyone deserves the opportunity to see themselves and their families reflected in the books in their library’s collection. “Those books are a safe place, with stories that validate their experience and where they find hope, acceptance, and can see a future.”

The Biden government, Democratic members, and liberals have expressed concerns about removing certain books from government school libraries, especially in Republican-controlled states. With the creation of a new office, Biden has created a new opportunity for himself to contrast with his other potential Republican opponents as his 2024 re-election campaign hastened.

Another 2024 presidential candidate, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, was previously criticized for enacting a law to ban books with sexual and racial themes from school libraries. As a result, Florida has become the nucleus of the alleged book bans.

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About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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