
Endorsement of Derek Schmidt by Trump

Former President Donald Trump announced his endorsement of Attorney General Derek Schmidt in the governor’s race of Kansas on Monday. This is the most high-profile endorsement yet for Schmidt. 

The move will further reduce the odds of a competitive Republican primary for governor, giving Schmidt a boost in appealing to conservative voters in Kansas, which Trump won by 15 points in the 2020 election.

Trump touts Schmidt as a ‘wise choice’ for Governor of Kansas

Trump announced the move in a statement shared on Twitter by his spokesperson Liz Harrington that Schmidt has his “Complete and Total Endorsement.”

“Derek Schmidt, the Attorney General of the Great State of Kansas, has done an absolutely outstanding job,” Trump said. “He is now running for Governor and will be a popular and very wise choice. Derek is strong on Crime, the Borders, and is always under siege Second Amendment. He loves our Military and our Vets.”

It was unclear if Trump would endorse in the race, with Schmidt not presently facing an opponent in the GOP primary. He is the presumptive favorite to face Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly in the general election in November.

Schmidt is a devout supporter of Trump’s America First agenda

Schmidt underscored his support for Trump in his campaign announcement, touting his record “defending President Trump’s ‘America first’ agenda.” In an interview after the announcement, he noted he would welcome Trump’s endorsement, a sentiment he echoed in a statement on Monday.

“Kansas was better off with your America First leadership in the White House, and I’m genuinely grateful for your support as we work hard to bring pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-family, and pro-jobs policies to the Kansas governor’s office next year,” Schmidt said.

Schmidt signed in his support of the Supreme Court case attempting to ‘overturn November 2020 elections.’

Schmidt also signed on to a motion in support of a longshot Supreme Court case. He challenged the November 2020 election results in four key swing states, part of President Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated arguments of election fraud.

The Texas case was the most brazen of Trump’s legal challenges. It would have involved another state asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a challenge to the results in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The upshot would have been swinging the presidential race to Trump. 

He conceded defeat after the high court declined to hear the case.

“We stood up for what I think the law requires and will go forward,” Schmidt said in a March interview.

About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.


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