
Endorsement of President Jair Bolsonaro by Donald Trump.

The “Great friends” support!

US President Donald Trump has lent his support to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro many times. This support, on Tuesday, came up due to the recent recommendation of criminal charges against Bolsonaro for his poor handling of the pandemic situation.

Donald Trump is all praises for his dear companion as he says that Bolsonaro also loves and fights for the people of Brazil in the same way as he cares for the American people.

An eleven-member senate committee in brazil recommended criminal charges against the President for the mishandling of the pandemic situation.

This happened as they (senate committee) approved an 1180 page report which says that Bolsonaro has promoted false claims about COVID 19.

This pandemic has proved disastrous for the whole world. America has faced the most deaths, while Brazil has the second-highest number of COVID, 19 deaths.

It is also reported that Bolsonaro deliberately exposed Brazilians to the deadly virus in a perception to attain herd immunity. Bolsonaro took no notice of the several offers made by a government-owned biology research center, Butantan Institute. Many of the senators believe that Bolsonaro’s mishandling led to the massive slaughter while it could have been saved.

The Senate doesn’t hold power to have criminal proceedings, yet it can bring this matter to Brazil’s Supreme Court.

Trump’s remarks:

Donald Trump, the former US President, supports Jair Bolsonaro every then and now. They actively support each other and exchange praises. Trump said recently, “Brazil is lucky to have a man such as Jair Bolsonaro working for them. He is a great President and will never let the people of his great country down!” This same remark has gained so much light in international politics. Bolsonaro is also famously known as “Trump of the Tropics” for the similarities and patterns that they both exhibit. 

It was noted that Trump also felt honored to have compared the Brazilian President’s 2019 victory to his 2016 victory. 

This support is only because of his shared pattern, but Trump is supporting the shared ideals and governing style in an underlined manner. 

On the other hand, Bolsanaro is highly confident about his future as the next President of Brazil, even before elections are held in the next year. He believes that the only way to defeat him in the next elections is through fraud. Also, Bolsanaro supported Trump when he claimed voter fraud. 

About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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