
New Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal to lift ban on Trump!

Since Biden’s presidential victory has left Trump incapacitated to keep himself in the political spotlight, a silver lining seems to be emerging for Trump with the change of hands regarding corporate leadership at Twitter.

Trump’s recent deluge of Republican nominations comes across as a legion in the making to shoulder the responsibility of keeping the Trump ideology fresh. In the eyes of the public until bereaved Trump can contest presidential elections again. This, coupled with the supposed lifting of Trump’s Twitter ban, may turn out as a force to be reckoned with in the 2024 presidential elections.

All avenues shut for Trump with a social media ban.

When Facebook and Twitter banned Trump from their platforms after the Capitol riot in January, he lost two of his most powerful megaphones. In June 2021, a statement released by Facebook said that the former president would not be allowed back on its service until at least January 2023, citing a risk to public safety and well-being as the reason. 

Pawns in the pro-Trump propaganda

The ban, however, has not deter Trump’s words from reaching the farthest ears. How one may wonder. 

A few devoted emissaries have performed this auxiliary yet crucial function. Popular social media accounts picked up Trump’s messages and posted them. These dedicated aides have been working tirelessly in the shadows. Taking the onus of the task that Trump himself is incapable of performing. 

Now that Mr. Trump has lost both the Oval Office and his Twitter account, he has become a kind of digital leader-in-exile,” 

Emerson Brooking, a resident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, studies disinformation. 

Fortune favors the brave- the TruthSocial breakthrough

It is no solace to an injured general that his dedicated foot soldiers are carrying his manifesto forward. Even though he was still relevant in the digital eye via his emissaries, Trump decided to take matters into his own hands and announce the launch of Truth Social, his personal social media site. 

According to a press release from Trump Media & Technology, the media operation will begin in the first quarter of next year, with Truth Social launching ahead of the 2022 midterm election and a possible subscription video-on-demand service coming later.

TruthSocial and Rumble to join hands

The Trump Media and Technology Group (TMGT) announced the decision on Tuesday to partner with Rumble in a “wide-ranging technology and cloud services agreement,” while also saying the companies are in “exclusive negotiations” to launch a subscription-based streaming service called TMGT+

TMGT also claimed for the first time that a beta version of the TruthSocial website had been launched after it was reported the beta version hadn’t gone online by TMGT’s self-imposed November deadline.

Trump said in a statement that Rumble is already providing cloud services to the beta website, which he said is for “guests only.”

A full rollout is expected in the first quarter of 2022.

“The initial Beta launch has been excellent,” Trump said. “America is ready for TRUTH Social, and the end to cancel culture.”

The ideology behind the partnership

After Biden won the presidential elections for 2020, conservatives had some of their content demonetized on YouTube. This was why they moved over to the Rumble app, as it makes it much easier for video content creators to make money as the service is not limited to advertisement-based revenue for content creators. TruthSocial is being projected as a social media platform along the same lines. 

A big part of Rumble’s appeal to video content creators is that it does not filter its content as much as YouTube. Therefore, many content creators find Rumble to be a “free speech friendly” app. Judging from Trump’s remarks about TruthSocial being ‘the end of Cancel Culture,’ this TruthSocial- Rumble alliance can be deemed a match made in heaven.

The silver lining emerges…

With a change of hands at Twitter and IIT Bombay alumnus Parag Agarwal stepping up as CEO, rumors abound regarding the ban on Trump. A change in Trump’s fate may well emerge on the horizon ahead of the 2024 presidential elections if the new CEO were to oblige him by lifting the ban on his Twitter account. 

Horizons broaden for Trump re-run in 2024 in Twitter ban removal.

Let’s go down the War Room fantasyland lane for a bit here and imagine Trump’s 2024 presidential elections scenario, shall we? 

Trump’s Twitter account served as the trusted harbinger for his election manifesto to travel far and wide. The root cause of the branched out dichotomy arose in the vote bank of 2016. Through videos of his speeches posted on Twitter, Trump was able to gain traction with extremist- conservatives with his ‘Make America Great Again’ manifesto. 

While Trump received truckloads of backlash regarding his iconoclastic Conservative stance on matters as sensitive as the Afghanistan issue. It was this seemingly deranged tactic that also won Trump the presidency in 2016. 

While Hillary Clinton had the support of the liberalists and the Obama clan touting Clinton as the flag bearer of ‘the Obama legacy,’ Trump garnered more excellent support because of the sheer audacity of taking an extremist pro-Conservative stance. This was a concept widely unknown to previous presidential campaigns. Because they feared losing traction with America’s ever-expanding and far-reaching Liberalist clan. After all, birds of a feather flock together, don’t they? 

That Trump went down this Road Not Taken and won was the icing on the proverbial cake. With his most giant megaphone back in his hand, if the ban were indeed lifted, the sky is but another glass ceiling for Trump to shatter in 2024. 

Also read:

Steps to signup for Truthsocial beta version- Detailed Guide

About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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