Uzumaki Naruto is an anecdotal/ fictional character in the manga and anime establishment Naruto, made by Masashi Kishimoto. The residents criticize Naruto by...
Tag - Anime
Best Hindi Dubbed Anime: Watching an anime in Hindi is really difficult. Sometimes it stops in between, sometimes it skips many episodes and sometimes the dub...
Best Anime Movies on Netflix India: Netflix has so many anime series or movies now. But when it comes to Netflix India, the choices suddenly become limited...
The best anime on amazon prime: We earlier made a list of the best anime on Netflix. We decided to make a similar list for Amazon Prime Video. Amazon Prime is...
10 Best Anime To Watch in Indian Netflix- Best Anime To Watch On Netflix India: Now that illegal sites are getting banned it is time that we shift towards the...
KissAnime and KissManga, for those who don’t know, are the two big sites that provide anime and manga content to the audience. These two sites are now...