
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world: 4th one is literally shocking

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

The weirdest and bizarre festivals in the world: Many strange and unfamiliar things are prevalent in this world. It is quite surprising to know and hear about them. Hundreds join them to enjoy such festivals. 

Some of these are festivals and the ways of celebrating them are very bizarre. You can learn about some of the The weirdest and bizarre festivals in the world

The weirdest and bizarre festivals in the world: 4th one is literally shocking

Baby jumping festival

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

This strange festival of jumping from the top of the Baby is termed Jumping Festival, or rather, is said to be celebrated in Castillo, Spain, to celebrate the peculiar festival. 

Like looking at the pictures, anyone’s curiosity will increase because, in the picture, a tall man is trying to jump over the children.


In this festival, the mothers of newborn children lay them on the ground, and the men dressed as devils jump over the children. 

It is believed that newborns are protected from demonic power by doing so.  This festival has been celebrated since the 17th century. Also, it is also believed that any child who does not go through this process lives a life in the evil shadow.

Vegetarian Festival

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

This festival is celebrated all over Thailand. Looking at its pictures, it can be said that it is a terrifying and dangerous festival along with being strange. This festival is completely opposite to its name.

In this, nine sacrifices are offered to themselves, under which the participants follow the evening for nine days.  The eating of non-vegetarians is prohibited for the process of purification. Along with this, you have to pierce your body parts with spears, knives, and metal rods.

Festival of Fishermen

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

This eccentric fisher festival is celebrated in Clute, Texas. This festival hosts new types of bizarre games.   The Fisherman Festival is not just a festive event: it also welcomes fishermen who come out of their boats daily and work with the sea, dealing with many problems. 

Two adventurous days, are filled with such important events as a stream of water on the beach, awards ceremonies for long-time fishermen, a holy Mass party, and a free evening where you can take home fish, lots of music, and entertainment for everyone.

Konaki Sumo Festival

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

This festival is celebrated at Yamaji Temple in Japan. Konaki means crying. In this traditional Japanese festival, two sumo fighters stand opposite each other with a small child in their arms. 

It is quite strange that the competition starts when either of the children cries first.  Also, the child who cries in a long and loud voice wins the competition.

Bolas de Fuego

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

This festival is celebrated in El Salvador, and it is quite dangerous. In the small town of Nejla, people gather at one place and throw fireballs at each other. 

However, two teams with armor equipment and battle paint are cheered by the people.  The craze was fine with paintballs, tomatoes, and water balloons but these people celebrate this festival with fireballs.

Hadaka Matsuri, Naked Parade

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

The parade takes place near Saidaiji Temple in Okayama, Japan. However, in this, people are not fully attuned, and around 10,000 men leave wearing diapers. 

During the parade, the participants try to get the talisman thrown by the saints. All the men bring with them a name, address, blood group and phone number on the paper.

Roswell UFO Festival

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

These festivals are a type of serious meeting in which all UFologists discuss rare organisms. The festival is held in Roswell, Mexico.

Cat Food Festival

The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world
The most weird and bizarre festivals in the world

It is not exactly what they are thinking, but it is the contrary. Here cats are not fed food; rather, cats are served as food.  The people of Peru believe that cat meat is a health supplement. The festival is celebrated in southern Lima, Peru.

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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