
Watch Levin Interview with Miranda Devine Decrying Election Interference

Watch Levin Interview with Miranda Devine Decrying ‘Election Interference’

Watch Levin Interview with Miranda Devine – Former President Donald Trump has recently lauded writer Miranda Devine for her brave claims against big tech, the FBI, Democrat operatives, and Joe Biden‘s campaign during an interview she gave to Mark Levin of Fox News.

This article covers details on how you can watch Levin interview with Miranda Devine and a brief summary of the interview.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started –

Watch Levin Interview with Miranda Devine

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Watch Levin Interview with Miranda Devine – Summary

Watch Levin Interview with Miranda Devine - Summary

Levin recently invited Miranda Devine on the radio show “Life, Liberty, and Levin.” Little did he know that the episode would blast the internet and even garner comments from former president Donald Trump.

So exactly what made the episode so much hyped on social media? It was actually the comments made by Miranda Devine on the show against the FBI and the other institutions.

Miranda Devine made the allegation that there was a concerted effort to discredit and cover up the Hunter Biden laptop story in advance of the presidential election in 2020.

It is important to note the fact that Miranda Devine is also the author of the book “Laptop From Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide,” which clearly indicates that she was never a fan of the biasedness of Federal institutions towards Biden and leftist propaganda.

What was Miranda Devine talking about?

Before we dive into what Miranda Devine said that had made her a national heroine among the Republicans and Nationalists as of now, it is important to understand the context she was talking about, so here is a little brief.

The scandal Miranda Devine was talking about in the interview centered on Joe Biden’s apparent involvement in his son’s business activities.

Right before the election in 2020, a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was found, which contained emails and paperwork connected to his business activities. Additionally, the New York Post reported that Joe Biden might have been involved in the agreements found on the laptop.

When the facts were made public by the source, both the mainstream media and big tech moved quickly to discredit the article. However, even the most conservative media outlets have confirmed the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop, his emails, and the scandal surrounding Joe Biden’s apparent involvement in his son’s business activities.

What did Miranda Devine have to say about it?

Devine claims that there was interference in the election and the Democratic strategists who fanned out in a deliberate operation to criticize the narrative, discredit the laptop, and debunk the reports concerning Joe Biden were met with disinformation from the FBI and CIA, in addition to social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

In the interview with Levin, Devine directly attacked the current president of the United States, Joe Biden, and stated that during the campaign, Joe Biden had misled the American people on innumerable occasions. Devine believes that Joe Biden was engaged in the overseas commercial dealings of his son Hunter, which is consistent with what he knows about the laptop issue.

According to Devine, the media, the FBI, Big Tech, and the Biden campaign were totally determined to kill the Hunter Biden laptop story because it was extremely detrimental to the Biden campaign and the 2020 election. She asserts that the attempt to bury the Hunter Biden laptop accusation was directly responsible for the outcomes of the 2020 election.

How did Former President Donald Trump respond to Miranda Devine’s accusations?

How did Former President Donald Trump respond to Miranda Devine's accusations?

We all know that Trump always stands by the people who stand against the system. So it is no shocker that he supported Miranda Devine and her claims.

In reaction to Devine’s combative interview statements, Trump responded on Truth Social by stating, “BOTTOM LINE: THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED & STOLEN!”

About the author

Eliana Cooper

Eliana Cooper is an esteemed editor at World-Wire, recognized for her expertise in sports and government news. With a background in Journalism and Political Science, she excels in delivering in-depth and factual reporting. Her work is known for its thorough research and clear presentation, making complex topics accessible. Eliana's contributions have earned her recognition, including the "Excellence in Sports Journalism" award in 2023.

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