
What is Lindell Recovery Network, what does it do?

You’ve probably seen the TV commercials for MyPillow. Possibly you have even gotten one and rest on one consistently. These uncommon pads are promoted as far in excess of the normal pad. Organization author, proprietor, and administrator Mike Lindell tells watchers that the pads he has planned, created, and promoted are destined to be “the most agreeable cushion you’ll at any point own.”

Mike Lindell shows up in the entirety of MyPillow’s plugs, and after numerous years, he has become a truly conspicuous representative. In his ads, he tells potential clients that he planned MyPillow following quite a while of being in a real sense weary; his old cushions would go level in the evening and he would awaken with back and neck torment that would make him feel awkward throughout the day.

That is an encounter that nearly everybody gets it. MyPillow notices have been viable enough to sell more than thirty million pads, and Mike Lindell has become a multimillionaire accordingly.

At the point when we welcome TV characters – even individuals simply well known because of advertisements for an item – in our parlors, we have a feeling that we know them actually.

Notwithstanding, there’s such a lot of we don’t think about them, as well. For instance, did you realize that Mike Lindell, originator, and CEO of MyPillow, was dependent on drugs for a very long time?

It’s actual! Peruse on to find out about how this man went from cocaine and break junkie to a very effective business visionary. His story is a motivation to all.

Mike Lindell  Early Life

Michael James Lindell was brought into the world in Minnesota in 1961. He grew up and went to secondary school in Carvery County.

During secondary school, Lindell started drinking liquor and utilizing drugs including cocaine. In a meeting, he expressed that this was his reaction to his folks’ separation – extraordinary among his companions and friends – and his sensations of bashfulness. He felt that the medications and drinking assisted him with defeating his sensations of misery and disconnection and that they assisted him with causing companion and feeling more well-known.

In the wake of exiting the University of Minnesota after only one quarter, he stayed around there and started his profession. Lindell was a business visionary from the beginning; before he developed MyPillow, he established and worked with various organizations including a pig ranch, bars, cafés, food trucks, and a floor-covering cleaning administration.

During the 1980s, he got hitched and purchased a house. Nonetheless, his drinking and medication utilization proceeded to increment, and during the 1990s, his better half sought legal separation following twenty years of marriage. He additionally lost his home because of dispossession. Lindell’s life was not what he trusted or envisioned, but rather he kept on utilizing medications and drinking vigorously, and soon, he started to utilize rocks too.

Lindell  An Inspiration

The fall and ascent of Mike Lindell is a motivation for any individual who battles with dependence. Not exclusively does his example of overcoming adversity show that individuals can recuperate from dependence on liquor and different medications, however, a few groups who recuperate can proceed to encounter accomplishments beyond anything they could ever imagine. Despite the fact that Lindell’s recuperation story makes breaking liberated from compulsion sound far simpler than it is for most, it shows that the sky is the limit and that habit recuperation all beginnings with a choice and an eagerness to change.

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Recommended: What is Lindell Foundation by Mike Lindell and what does it do?


In 2004, Lindell thought of the thought for MyPillow. The thought came to him in fantasy. This pad was exceptional and one of a kind in light of the fact that the fill material, licensed by Lindell, interlocks, and changes with the client’s individual body and dozing position. He found that when he utilized MyPillow himself, he nodded off quicker and stayed unconscious longer, and when he woke up, he felt rested, and he not, at this point experience continuous torment.

Lindell offered cushions to loved ones and his creation was a success. Before long he was out and about advancing his pad at career expos and state fairs. An ever-increasing number of individuals were finding his item and his prosperity developed and developed.

Notwithstanding, Lindell was all the while utilizing medications, and his dependence on rocks was more regrettable than any time in recent memory. By 2008, even his sellers realized his concern was crazy. Three of them got together and accomplished something totally unforeseen and chose to cut him off for his own well-being and security. This underlying intercession didn’t work, however, Lindell understood his concern was gigantic and that the time had come to stop.

Lindell Recovery Network

Since 2009, MyPillow has gotten significantly more effective. Today it is maybe the top-of-the-line pad ever, and Lindell – a previous break someone who is addicted – is valued at $330 million. He composed a book about his battles and triumphs entitled What Are the Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO which turned out in December 2019.

Lindell made the Christian-based Lindell Foundation in 2017 to help addicts and MyPillow representatives. The principal project it chipped away at was helping survivors of Hurricane Harvey yet today it expects to assist individuals with any close-to-home issue including dependence, conjugal issues, and sicknesses like malignant growth and others. It likewise offers help to veterans.

The Lindell Recovery Network at that point turned into a part of the Lindell Foundation. Lindell’s objective in making this organization was to bring expectation, recuperation, and mentorship to individuals battling with dependence.

Lindell  Breaking Free

Lindell’s recuperation story is exceptional to the point that it is practically mind-boggling, however, every individual’s way is extraordinary. On January 16, 2009, Lindell concluded the time had come to quit utilizing medications and liquor.

MyPillow was filling in fame and he realized that on the off chance that he needed to understand his maximum capacity for progress with this item, he would have to get spotless and calm and remain as such. He realized he was unable to stand by anymore.

He chose to supplicate. He asked a lot God to remove his dependence on drugs for the last time, and afterward, he rested. Lindell said his call was replied. The following day when he stirred, he wanted to utilize and has not contacted any medications or cocktails since.

Also read: Mike Lindell- Networth, lifestyle, my pillow, career, success, bio/wiki


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About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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