Islamic New Year WhatsApp Status Video- Hijri New Year HD Images Status & Arabic New Year

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic year. It is also called Hijri. It is a Muslim festival. Hijri Sun starts this month. Not only this but this month is also included in the four holy months of Islam.

A vicious king named Yazid in Iraq was an enemy of humanity. Hazrat Imam Hussain declared war on the blood king Yazid. Hazrat Imam Hussain, the Nawase of Mohammad-e-Mustafa, was martyred with family and friends in Karbala. The month in which Hussein and his family were martyred was the month of Muharram.

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The day Hussein was martyred was the month of Muharram, and that day was the 10th. After this, people of the Islam religion stopped celebrating the new year of the Islamic calendar. Later the month of Muharram turned into a month of grief and sorrow.


During the month of Muharram, people of the Shia community wear black clothes on Muharram day. On the other hand, if we talk about the Sunni community of Muslim society, they fast for Muharram days. During this period, those who were martyred in Karbala with Imam Hussain are remembered, and they pray for peace of soul.

Let us tell you that Muharram does not have any festive significance, but it is a day to celebrate mourning. Hussein was martyred in a small town 100 kilometers northeast of Baghdad’s Iraqi capital. The 10th day of Muharram month is called Ashura. Processions are also taken out during Muharram.

Hijri New Year HD Images Status

Let us know that the Hijri calendar runs according to the moon’s position. Hence the date of Muharram also varies yearly and does not match the Gregorian calendar. This time the Islamic new year would start on Saturday, 30 July 2022.

Why do Muslims celebrate Muharram?

There is some historical reason behind celebrating the festival of every religion. There are some reasons for celebrating Muharram. According to Islamic beliefs, the blood king named Yazid in Iraq was an enemy of humanity. Yazid considered himself a Khalifa, but he had no faith in Allah. He wanted Hazrat Imam Hussain to join his camp. But Hussain disapproved of this, and he declared war against Yazid.

Hazrat Imam Hussain, a Nawase of Prophet-e Islam Hazrat Mohammad, was martyred in Karbala, family and friends. The month Hussain and his family were martyred was the month of Muharram. From then till today, every year on the 10th of the month of Moharram, i.e., Ashura, the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain is remembered. Shia Muslims mourn on this day.

What is the importance of Muharram?

Muharram is a day to commemorate the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain, who celebrates mourning and protects religion. In the month of Muharram, Muslims mourn. People who follow the religion of Islam do not commemorate any happiness in this month. There are no weddings, and no new clothes are purchased this month. That is, this month is considered the month of Muslim sorrow.

According to Islamic beliefs, Emperor Yazid persecuted Hussein and his family to establish his power and martyred 10 Muharram in the city of Karbala. Let us say that Husain’s purpose was to eradicate himself and keep Islam and humanity alive.

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In Islam, only one God has been asked to pray. Things like deception, lies, manipulation, gambling, alcohol, etc., have been forbidden in Islam. Hazrat Mohammed followed these instructions and instructed all Muslims to follow these Islamic principles.

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On the other hand, from where Islam emerged, there was a period of a ruler named Mu’awiya in ‘Sham,’ some distance from Madina. After the death of Mu’awiya, Yazid, the royal heir, in which all the demerits were present, sat on the throne of the evening. Yazid wanted Imam Hussain to confirm his seance on the throne as he is a member of Mohammad and has a good influence on the people there.

The house of Hazrat Mohammed refused to consider Yazid as the Islamic ruler because there was no value of Islamic values ​​for Yazid. Apart from refusing to obey Yazid, he also decided to leave the city of his maternal grandfather Hazrat Mohammad Saheb, Medina, so that peace would remain.

This is how the war broke out.

Imam Hussain was leaving Medina forever with family, along with some loved ones, moving towards Iraq. But Yazid’s army surrounded his convoy near Karbala. Yazid placed conditions before him, which Imam Hussain flatly refused to accept. Instead of not accepting the situation, Yazid spoke of war.

While talking to Yazid, Imam Hussain stayed in the path of Iraq with his convoy by putting up a tent on the banks of the river Furat. But the Yazidi army ordered the tents of Imam Hussain to be removed from the river Furat and did not even allow them to take water from the river.

This is how the war started.

The Imam did not intend to fight because only 72 people were involved in his convoy. His six-month-old son included his sister-daughters, wife, and small children. This date was a Muharram, and it was summertime. It may be noted that even today in Iraq (summer), the average temperature during the day is more than 50 degrees.

By the 7th Muharram, the amount of food and water that Imam Hussain had was finished. Imam kept on working with patience, avoiding the war. Imam Hussain and his family died from thirst and starvation from 7 to 10 Muharram days.

Day 9, on the night of Moharram, Hussain extinguished the lights and said, ‘Yazid’s army is large, and he has more weapons than the whole. It is difficult to escape in such a situation. I acknowledge you to leave here. I do not mind. After some time, the lights were lit, and all the companions were sitting there—no one left except Hussain.

On the 10th Muharram, the war started in the army of Imam Hussain and Yazid. All the companions of Hazrat Imam Hussain were martyred one by one. After the prayer of Imam Hussain Asr (noon), he fought with Yazid’s army, but Hazrat Imam Hussain alone died fighting.


[fvplayer id=”620″]In this battle, one son of Imam Hussain, Zainulabedin, survived because he was ill on 10 Moharram, and later, he was succeeded by Mohammad Saheb. Every year the tenth Muharram is celebrated as mourning in memory of this sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain.

This incident of Karbala is a sacrifice made by the house of Hazrat Mohammad for the protection of Islam. After killing Imam Hussain and his male companions and family members, Yazid ordered the arrest of the women of Hazrat Imam Hussain’s family.

After the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain

Describing himself as the victor, Yazid told those watching Hussain’s stolen convoy that this fate was due to those who went against Yazid’s rule. Yazid committed extreme crimes against the women of Mohammad’s house. They kept him in prison, where Husain’s innocent child Sakina died in jail.

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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