
Koch Network Halts Funding for Haley’s Campaign

Koch Network Halts Funding for Haley's Campaign

A long-time and one of the biggest supporters of Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign, the Koch Network decided to stop the funding.

Let’s read the news and find out more.

Koch Network Halts Funding for Haley’s Campaign

On Sunday, the political network, mostly funded by billionaire Charles Koch, declared that it would no longer be funding Nikki Haley’s presidential bid following her defeat in South Carolina, her home state and where she previously served as a governor.

South Carolina, the crucial state that determines the party’s nominee and Haley facing a defeat there against Trump, placed her bid in question.

A year ago, Nikki Haley bagged Koch’s endorsement in a bid to replace Donald Trump’s alternative to stop the “downward spiral” in American politics.

Americans for Prosperity, led by Seidel and the political branch of the larger Koch network, had been pressured by donors to support a Republican primary contender in the hunt for a Trump replacement.

They eagerly wanted Trump’s replacement and a potential challenger who could win against him in the race. The announcement made on Sunday marked a depressing end to that approach.

Also, read “How Trump Defeated Nikki Haley in Her Home State SC.”

A senior adviser, Emily Seidel, stated in an email obtained by NBC News that the organization no longer thinks it can meaningfully impact Haley’s victory in the race after her defeat in South Carolina.

Rather, Americans for Prosperity Action will concentrate on House and Senate races later.

Seidel stated, “She has made it clear that she will continue to fight, and we wholeheartedly support her in this effort,”

Seidel added, “But given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory.”

When the group initially chose Haley in November, Seidel stated that AFP Action sought the finest Republican “to turn the page on the current political era.”

Seidel claimed that Haley was the candidate and the group was “better equipped to help her do it” than any other.

Also, read “Trump Seeks to Dismiss Legal Case Over Classified Documents.”

Koch Network Halts Funding for Haley Campaign
Credit – CNBC

With this new defeat on Saturday, Haley’s path to secure her presidential bid seems a far reach while Trump proceeds forward. Trump and his team had carefully curated a perfect strategy and claimed victory in her home state.

It is a setback for Haley, who is determined to keep going after losing to Trump on Saturday by around 20 percentage points and winning all but three delegates.

AFP assisted Haley in winning early states over the opposition, offering her crucial backing on the ground.

To accelerate her rise, the group also lavished money on advertising. Data from the Federal Election Commission shows that AFP Action, a super PAC, invested almost $31 million to support Haley in the contest.

Also, read “Haley’s Allies Bet on ‘Super Tuesday’ Amid Challenges.”

Seidel also stated on Sunday that although AFP knew that the path “faced the longest odds” from the beginning, it “couldn’t sit on the sidelines” considering the stakes. She claimed, “This organization exists to do hard things.”

On Sunday, Haley’s team presented fresh fundraising figures and stated, “AFP is a great organization and ally in the fight for freedom and conservative government. We thank them for their tremendous help in this race,”

It added, “Our fight continues, and with more than $1 million coming in from grassroots conservatives in just the last 24 hours, we have plenty of fuel to keep going.” Haley’s team highlighted, saying, “We have a country to save.”

On Sunday, Trump made a post on Truth Social; it read, “Americans for no prosperity just announced that they are no longer supporting Nikki “braindead” (birdbrain?) Haley, Charles Koch, and his group got played for suckers right from the beginning!”

With his strong backing, Trump prevailed in every poll and gained victory back to back despite the legal charges he is facing.

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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