
Mike Lindell Hedges on Supreme Court Evidence

Mike Lindell Hedges on Supreme Court Evidence

Michael James Lindell, also known as “My Pillow Guy,” is an American businessman, political activist, and conspiracy theorist.

In the election case of Republican Kari Lake, Mike Lindell claimed to have “explosive” new evidence that voting machines were being used to rig elections.

On March 13, Mike Lindell promised to provide the Supreme Court with shocking new evidence this Friday, March 15.

However, on Thursday, Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, refused to provide information that he claimed would “shock the world” and demonstrate that voting machines were manipulated in Kari Lake’s (R) failed bid for Arizona governor.

To give a clear perspective, Mark Finchem, a former candidate for Arizona secretary of state and Trump friend, filed a lawsuit in April 2022.

The voting methods were alleged to be unreliable in the case.

After that, on December 9, Lake filed a second complaint, asking the court to declare the certified Arizona election results void and to crown her as the winner of the November 2022 midterm elections over Katie Hobbs, who had won the governorship with a margin of over 17,000 votes.

The CEO of MyPillow claimed to have strong evidence to support his assertion on the case.

At first, Lindell pledged to take the evidence to the Supreme Court steps but later changed his mind, stating that it was “too dangerous.”

During a Thursday appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, Lindell kept hinting about his court filing.

The podcast host Steve Bannon remarked, “You heard many times… put up or shut up, Today’s your day. What are you gonna put up?”

Mike Lindell Hedge on Supreme Court Evidence
Mike Lindell Hedges on Supreme Court Evidence

To that question, Lindell threw his tinfoil hats aside and remarked that he no longer needed and had no use for them.

Lindell, The CEO of MyPillow, stated, “Today’s the day everybody. It’s over — it will be filed Today, and we’re very excited,”

He added, “I’ve waited for this day for three years, and the open door is finally there. You’re gonna see things you’ve never seen before, everybody.”

According to the pillow executive, he would be discussing his legal findings at a news conference on Friday, and he further expressed how this evidence is going to shock everybody.

The MyPillow guy kept asserting that the evidence was “explosive” and that he was excited to produce it.

The host Bannon also noted that Lindell could have given up on proving that voting machines were utilized to rig the 2020 election from Donald Trump.

Bannon acknowledged and appreciated Mike Lindell’s stance, saying that he placed the country first rather than walking away and ignoring it.

In this instance, Steve Bannon stated, “You said no, Rudy [Giuliani] said no, Trump said no…. Peter Navarro wouldn’t be going to prison next week,”

Bannon added, “These are heroes and patriots. People have said no way, my country comes first; these people stole this election.”

Bannon ended his statement, acknowledging Lindell’s stance, saying, “We’re gonna prove they stole it, and we’re gonna set things right.”

Lindell suggested that people should share the word about his election evidence. He continued, “You know, tell them to tell them about the Supreme Court, then say here’s a set of sheets for your sleep,”

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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