
Silk claims ‘bio weapon’ killed Diamond

Silk claims 'bio weapon' killed Diamond

Conservative podcast host Rochelle ‘Silk’ Richardson in a recent episode on her podcast claimed that a mysterious ‘bio weapon’  sprayed in the air caused the death of her sister, Lynnette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway.

“On the last show that Diamond was on, she was concerned about something being sprayed in the air,” Silk said. “And I agreed with her; it was something being sprayed in the air, and now my sister is dead today.”

Richardson’s sister, Lynnette passed away suddenly last month and according to her death certificate, she suffered from a cardiac arrest due to an underlying heart disease that led to her death. She was not suffering from coronavirus, as several people speculated online as the cause of her death.

Silk, in the latest episode of the podcast, and her first without Diamond, said that Lynnette’s passing was all part of “God’s plan” but happened too “suddenly and unexpectedly.” She said that her sister was happy before passing away but “it just happened suddenly.”

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Previously, during a memorial service held for Lynnette in Fayetteville, North Carolina last month, Richardson made a totally different speculation, claiming that the Covid vaccine killed her sister. She speculated that Diamond died due to vaccine “shedding”- meaning that she somehow got infected by live particles of the vaccine shed by those who received it. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made it clear that none of the vaccines authorized in the United States contain a live virus.

“Don’t you dare call me a conspiracy theorist, because I saw it happen,” Silk said at the service, and recounted her sister saying “I can’t breathe” after the duo returned home after attending a party. She added that she performed CPR on Diamond, while the two of them waited for the emergency services to arrive.

“I was there when it happened, and it happened suddenly,” recounted Richardson, adding “I want America to wake up and pay attention. Something ain’t right. It’s time to investigate what’s really going on here and give some answers to why people are falling dead suddenly.”

The North Carolina memorial service was attended by former president Donald Trump as well, and delivered a lengthy speech, but revealed that while he was an admirer, he didn’t really know her.

“I’m serious, I thought I knew them both. I didn’t,” said the former president. “I knew Diamond, but I didn’t know Silk at all. I just learned about Silk. You’re fantastic,” he added.

About the author

Roshan Ray

Roshan Ray is a versatile contributor at World-Wire, specializing in finance, celebrities, politics, and general news. He combines a deep understanding of finance with sharp political insights. Roshan also plays a key role in editorial leadership.

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