
Trumps Strange Advice – Using Antimicrobial Injections on COVID-19 infected

Trumps Strange Advice

Trumps Strange Advice: Amidst the havoc of the Coronavirus in America, doctors have raised a strong objection to President Donald Trump’s new advice.

Donald Trump has suggested that research should be conducted on whether injecting germicides into the body, can cure the coronavirus.

More than 50,000 people have died due to Coronavirus in America, and about 9 lakh people are infected. The most affected is New York province, where more than 20,000 people have fallen.

President Trump did not stop at this during the press briefing. He also stated that the body of patients could be irradiated (a medical system that uses radiation) with ultraviolet light.

However, in the same press briefing, the doctors rejected it. Before Trump’s briefing, a White House official also said that everyone knows about the end of infection with sun rays and insecticides.

President Trump has already warned of using his public health agency Bleach as a medicine.

Trump’s Strange Advice – Using Antimicrobial Injections on COVID-19 infected

Trumps Strange Advice
Trumps Strange Advice

What did Trump say

During the White House briefing on Thursday, an official presenting the results of US government research said that this indicates that sunlight and heat weaken the coronavirus relatively quickly.

In this study, it has also been claimed that bleach kills the saliva and coronavirus present in the respiratory system within five minutes. It is also contended that isopropyl alcohol can kill this virus more quickly.

Isopropyl alcohol is used in chemicals such as disinfectants, detergents, and antiseptics. In this news conference, the acting head of the US Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate, William Bryan, presented the results of this research.

President Trump said that more research could be done in this matter. Looking at the White House’s Corona Virus Co-ordinator Doctor Deborah Birks at the press briefing, said, “So let’s say we put an ultraviolet or very powerful beam on the body, and I think you said that It had not been investigated yet, but you are going to test it. “

President Trump further said – and then suppose you put rays inside the body, whether it is through the skin or in some other way and you have said that you are going to test it soon. It looks very interesting.

In this sequence, Trump also advised that if germicides are injected, then it can be finished in a minute, and it will be very interesting to check it too.

Trumps Strange Advice
Trumps Strange Advice

However, Trump further said that he is not a doctor.

During the press briefing, Trump once again turned to Doctor Birks and asked if he had heard of the treatment of coronavirus with heat and light.

On this, Doctor Birks said – No, not as a treatment. Fever is definitely a good thing. If you have a fever, it helps to respond to your body. But I have only seen the use of heat or light.

To this, Trump said- I believe this is a very important thing, and it needs to be seen.

In the same press briefing, a journalist questioned that President Trump’s thoughtless remarks could spread misinformation to Americans, which is very dangerous.

How is the response

Trumps Strange Advice
Trumps Strange Advice

Doctors have warned that this idea of ​​President Trump may have disastrous consequences.

Pulmonologist Dr Vin Gupta told NBC News, “The notion of injecting any kind of cleansing product into the body is irresponsible and dangerous. When people want to kill themselves, they adopt these methods.”

Doctor Kasif Mahmood has tweeted in Charleston, West Virginia – As a physician, I cannot advise anyone to inject a germicide into the langs. I also cannot recommend the use of ultraviolet radiation for the treatment of COVID-19.

He said – do not take any medical advice from Trump.

John Bams, a pulmonologist at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, warns that even if the smoke of bleach goes into your body while breathing, they are harmful to health.

He told Bloomberg News, “If you take chlorine bleach in order to breathe, it is very dangerous for your lungs. Breathing tubes and langs cannot tolerate even the smell of such insecticides. Quantity or isopropyl alcohol is not absolutely safe for the body. These are stupid things. “

Trumps Strange Advice
Trumps Strange Advice

Earlier, President Donald Trump has described the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a possible drug of coronavirus. However, now he has stopped speaking more about this medicine.

In a study done on coronavirus patients in a government hospital in the US this week, it has been found that patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine have died more than those who have been treated in a standard manner. This hospital is for Military Veterans.

Potential candidate Joe Biden, who challenged Trump for the Democratic Party in the presidential election, tweeted – Ultraviolet Light? Germ Drug injection? This is the idea, more and more Mr President is also ensuring safety equipment for health workers.

What is the advice of the US government?

Trumps Strange Advice
Trumps Strange Advice

This week, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention asked Americans to be cautious about cleaning products, as home use disinfectants have increased significantly amid the Corona epidemic.

It was found in the agency’s weekly report that at the beginning of March, there was a rapid increase in calls to the Poison centres.

The American Food and Drug Administration has also warned about disinfectants.

On the agency’s website, it has been said – FDA has received such reports in which people are falling ill after drinking such products. At the same time, people are having a lot of vomiting, people are suffering from diarrhea, many people have low blood pressure, and many people are suffering from liver disease.

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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