
What is GabPay? Is it an Alternative To Paypal?

GabPay Alternative Paypal

What is GabPay? Is it an Alternative To Paypal? A Person to Person payment network, the latest GabPay app, allows users to instantly transfer money from almost any financial institution in the United States to any person or business using a mobile or email.

GabPay will power its vision of a Parallel Economy by enabling peer-to-peer payment processing. Gab has created a custom option for users to make transactions online, similar to other famous payment processors. Several features will be added to the basic options in the coming days.

How To Use GabPay App? How Does it Work?

Is GabPay a PayPal Alternative?

When Gab was kicked out of several banks earlier this year, it inspired the founders to work on building their free-speech-friendly financial infrastructure.

The era of financial censorship is a long time coming, and Gab was the warning indicator on this issue over three years ago. After economic censorship took them, few stood up to defend them. They were told to “build their own,” so they did just that.

Being faced with financial censorship is a common issue for Gab. PayPal banned Gab in 2018 and several other payment processors, including Stripe, Coinbase, Square, and more.

Gab is even banned from accepting Visa and Mastercard even though they run a perfectly legal US business selling software services and goods like hats, mugs, and t-shirts as their trade model.

GabPay Alternative Paypal
GabPay App vs Paypal

Gab is also banned from accepting credit or debit card transactions to sell you a hat online. Fortunately, they had options: checks and bitcoin. Old and new technologies come together to defeat financial censorship. It’s not perfect, but it works, and they’re taking it to the next level.

Since the founders of GabPay have been declaring the need to build an alternative economy, they are trying to convey that the aftermath of the wake of this vaccine mandate madness has ripped our human rights from us. This infuriated Gab, and they promised not to stand by it and watch it happen.

At Gab, they are making great strides on GabPay, an alternative to Paypal, as one of their many initiatives in the fight against the tyranny of the global elite.

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They are going through many legal and regulatory hurdles, but things are moving fast. Creating your own PayPal is not as easy as “create and send software.” The software side for GabPay is already ready and works great. It’s the bureaucracy that takes time.

Gab’s founder says they’re pleased that Gab has been banned from PayPal for years because it protects all of their customers from the prying eyes of the demons in the ADL. As always, God had a plan, and the ban only led them to build GabPay.

How Does GabPay App Work?

How Does GabPay App Work?

The app has a simple design. Every financial institution in the US lets you transfer money from a bank account, keep a balance, send and spend money to anyone, receive money instantly, or withdraw your money. Yes immediately. All transactions made through the application are instantaneous and final; There are no chargebacks. You can easily use the iOS or Android versions.

Also, Read | The Complete Guide to Advertising on Gab

What is Gab’s agenda?

According to the company, CEO and founder Andrew Torba first launched GabPay in August as one of several initiatives to support personal autonomy and freedom of expression. In addition to creating a new social network, the goal is to create a new economy.

Gab was made available to the users of the US in August as promised. Gab is currently describing how GabPay Dedicated Business Accounts work and the target audience of this service.

According to their founders, when they become aware of a global problem in Gab, like the excellent technology censorship and the awakening of an anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-American economy, they do not complain like our impractical politicians. They immediately start trading and start building.

What is Gab’s Ultimate Goal?

A substitute to PayPal has never been more prominent as ADL checks your financial transactions and ruins people’s lives by financially supporting people and organizations they don’t like.

Gab promises to liberate millions from the tyranny and hatred of the American oligarchy and asks you to keep the faith.

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.


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  • Nice work, Alex … great article boasting on an individual who chooses to set the record straight … give people back the freedom of speech, and financial transparency … a very hard path amidst the monsters who currently control the ENTIRE & CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM … although on their way out; God’s timing!

    I discovered this article, seeking answers for money-transfers, and sought out the latest on GabPay.

    My struggle now is with companies like MoneyGram and Western Union or say WorldRemit (maybe a new name now ???). Why? Because they prevent me from sending multiple money transfers to family/friends/brothers/sisters in TWNations – oppressed and impoverished by the same monsters behind the these companies, and the whole fiasco behind the PlanDemic; again that is coming down.

    In the meantime, yesterday alone, sending out 13 money transfers, varying from $89 CDN (I’m a Canuck – please don’t blame me) to $165 CDN. I’ve provided security answers over, and over, and over again, to no resolve … and it comes down to a couple things; being Christian, the church, and getting money into the hands of those in dire need in TWNations … and their answer is simple … NO, NO, NO … under the guise of FRAUD PREVENTION … which is hogwash.

    Closing with proof!

    All TWNation recipients, only two in India, balance in Africa … and MoneyGram even refused to grant access to funds sent to my long time African friend, Gigi, originally from Nigeria, who works as an Engineer in USA; why is that? ($87 USD MoneyGram in repayment for a beautiful UnderArmour T-shirt sent to me) – FRAUD PREVENTION or CONTROL?

    These people must be stopped – and the world must begin sooner than later to wake up to what is really taking place around them.

    Thanks again, Alex … thanks to anyone reading this

    • Hi Kevin Simpson,

      Thanks so much for sharing your experiences and concerns with MoneyGram and other transfer services, especially regarding TWNations. It’s clear this is a complex issue that affects you and many others deeply. Your efforts to support others, despite these challenges, are commendable. This conversation is vital, and your voice provides significant insight as we collectively navigate these financial hurdles. Together, let’s keep the dialogue going and work towards more transparent and accessible financial systems.