
Tickets for Mike lindell cyber symposium – Book now

Tickets for Mike lindell cyber symposium - Book now

Watch lindelltv liveMike Lindell is all set to change the history of America and save the democracy by his huge Cyber symposium event which is going to be held in mid-august. This 72 hours long talk show event is going to be his final and biggest attempt at proving his claims of the US presidential elections being rigged and proving that the democrats in fact rigged the elections with the help of Chinese hackers and electronic voting machine manufacturer, Dominion which filed a billion-dollar lawsuit, Mike Lindell though has bravely fought against all the dirty lawsuits filed by these corporates and gave them a tough fight.

Mike Lindell was banned from all the major social media platforms just like Donald Trump was when he alleged several people and groups for the US Capitol attacks and so he went on to form his own free speech-centric social media network called Frankspeech. The Cyber Symposium event is being largely advertised among all the conservative news networks and by the top conservative politicians and celebs.

Donald Trump had widespread support in the United States and political experts were expecting Trump to win the elections too. Somehow, magically, Joe Biden won. While we surely don’t know what is the reality behind all this, Mike Lindell surely claims to know. The Cyber Symposium event should not be missed at any cost, In this article, we will tell you how to book tickets for the Mike Lindell Cyber symposium event. Make sure you read this article till the end.

How To Book Tickets For Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium Event?


Unfortunately, the Cyber Symposium event is not open to the general public due to various security reasons. The government authorities and corporates are all trying really hard to suppress the visibility of this event by reducing media coverage and restricting ads on various news websites and networks.

You can still watch the Cyber Symposium event for straight up 72 hours here, and also on salon network which has the exclusive rights to display this event on television. Cyber Symposium event will also be live-streamed on World-wire.com and Frankspeech.com for free, on Frankspeech, you need to provide your personal details to watch the show.

No Ticket RequiredWatch the Event Live – Here 

There are no tickets for the Cyber Symposium event available for the public as of now, however, we still suggest people visit the site for an exclusive view of the event. You can also register for the cyber Symposium event if you are a media personality or a celeb or a politician. Below are the steps to register for the Cyber Symposium event. Please note that you should be a citizen of the United States to attend the event and should have the valid US registered contact number.

Follow these steps: 

  1. Go to the Official website of Frankspeech from your desktop or smartphone running on Android or IOS. Make sure you are connected to the internet
  2. Signup on the website by providing information like contact number, email id, username, and password.
  3. Look for the Cyber Symposium event forms and choose the type of your organization you belong to.
  4. Fill in the necessary details like the organization name, details, and contact information.
  5. Once you do all this, all you need to do is wait for the Frankspeech and Cyber Symposium team to contact you if you are shortlisted.

What is there at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Event?

Tickets for Mike lindell cyber symposium - Book now

The 72 hours talk show, Cyber symposium holding between 10th to 12th of August is going to be one of the biggest and most-watched events in the history of the United States as claimed by Mike Lindell. 

In the Cyber Symposium event, Mike Lindell seeks to submit proofs in the form of 37 Terabytes of data which will then be studied by cybersecurity experts. Previously, Mike Lindell has made claims of the involvement of Chinese hackers and Dominion (Electronic Voting Machine Manufacturer) in the rigging of US presidential elections.

Also read: Is Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium Legit Or Fake?

While the trustability of these claims is yet to be determined, it will be interesting to see what all Mike Lindell is going to display in the cyber symposium event. Make sure you don’t miss the event.

The Bottom Line

The Cyber Symposium event needs to be watched at a large scale for it to be successful. If you love the United States, make please don’t miss the event.

God Bless the United States!!


About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.


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  • What a giant con! How can paper ballots, and vote counting machines with no connection to the Internet be “hacked” by other nations? Lindell’s claim is impossible, thus impossible to prove wrong. The burden of proof is in him. Why won’t he freely share whatever “evidence” he has?

  • Is it a requirement to be a complete, unabashed Trumpkin asshole to attend?
    If so that reduces your audience by ~ 207M… jus’ sayin’

  • I just finished reading this piece about Lindell’s symposium. Not to sound like a snarky liberal–which, I suppose might be an apt description of myself–the page reads like a fever dream of a sixth grader. In fact, I haven’t been able to find any real content anywhere on this site. Seems like it just has stuffing leftover from the mypillow guy’s factory.

    Mike Lindell must be feeling some pressure just about now. He’s predicted that Trump will be reinstated on August 13th and he clearly expects this “symposium” will help restore the kleptocratic autocracy we all enjoyed before Biden’s quite-legitimate election to the presidency.

    I visited his new website, frankspeech–you know, the voice of free speech! Of course, to enter the site and find your voice you have to surrender your phone number and email and then apparently hope you’ll be contacted or “shortlisted”. But apparently it’s free!

    While all of this seems silly it’s actually quite dangerous, as evidenced by the insurrection attempt organized and incited by Trump on Jan 6th. When the sun rises over the Biden White House on August 14th I wish we could be confident that the loony conspiracy theorists will have learned their lesson and dropped this ridiculous charade. But…don’t count on it.

  • How can I get press credentials? I’d like to go with my radio station. I have no idea how to register for it. I will be attending in South Dakota if I can figure it out.

  • Mike Lindell claimed to be demonstrating a live-stream sample of the actual data. I’ve been in networking and TCP/IP since the 80s, and looking at packet dumps is something that I routinely see/show in job interviews, and what he showed in his “actual example data” was infact just `tcpdump -i eth0 | hd`.

    Perhaps Mike was confused?

    Second, most Lindell supporters seem to be unaware that the bounty is only available to “invited” individuals, and I’ve applied a number of times without – as yet – receiving any response to my application or questions.

    For instance: If they captured raw packets, how were they able to the streams? Why do they require a perpetual “2 weeks” delay before they can show the data? How long will individuals be given between the live reveal and their attempt to verify/debunk the data?