
Why FBI Seized Mike Lindell Phone? – The Lindell Report

Why FBI Seized Mike Lindell Phone - The Lindell Report

FBI Seized Mike Lindell Phone – As the elections are coming closer, the political vortex in America has started swirling in full swing.

Recently the FBI has rounded up criminal investigations against several republicans, including former President Trump himself. The latest one on the FBI’s list is the conservative Mike Lindell, also known as the Pillow guy.

FBI Seized Mike Lindell Phone
FBI Seized Mike Lindell Phone

After his fishing trip, he was recently pinned by the FBI when he decided to pick up some lunch at a Hardee’s in Mankato, Minnesota. FBI seized Mike Lindell phone and questioned him about a Colorado clerk named Tina Peters, who has been charged security breach of her county’s voting system in connection a with election tampering last year.

A subpoena was issued to Lindell, and his cell phone was seized, according to Patrick McSweeney, an attorney for Lindell.

Lindel uploaded the order on social media and read from it aloud on his podcast recounting the dramatic moment when he was blocked by the FBI, despite his assertion that the warrant specifically instructed him to stay silent about its contents.

Why did the FBI Seize Mike Lindell’s Phone?

Why did the FBI Seize Mike Lindell's Phone?
Why did the FBI Seize Mike Lindell’s Phone?

An official criminal investigation of a suspected offense is being carried out by a federal grand jury in the District of Colorado, according to a letter that FBI spokeswoman Vikki Migoya shared with the media.

Lindell may or may not be a target of the FBI’s investigation, and it’s also unclear why FBI seized Mike Lindell phone.

Although it’s not yet confirmed if Lindell is a target of the federal investigation into Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, who has been indicted. It’s a sign that the inquiry has reached a key figure in the nationwide effort to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Lindell, often referred to as the “My Pillow guy,” is not the first supporter of Donald Trump, whose phone was seized by the FBI recently.

According to the sources, Justice Department agents also took the phones of longtime Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn and campaign strategist Mike Roman. As a further indication that it is stepping up its criminal investigation into 2020’s election rigging, the department also issued approximately 40 subpoenas over the past week.

But as Lindell shared on his Podcast, the Lindell Report, he was not under investigation for his involvement in the Capitol riots, unlike some of his conspiracy-theory compatriots who have recently experienced such seizures.

He claimed the agents were more interested in his connections to the Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters, who has been accused of illegally allowing unauthorized people to access voting equipment in Mesa County as part of a conspiracy to show that the 2020 election was rigged. According to Lindell, agents also questioned him about his relationships with Ohio math teacher Doug Frank, whose predictions for the 2020 presidential election have been repeatedly refuted, as well as about the Dominion voting machines used in Colorado’s elections.

He was questioned by FBI investigators, in addition, to his travel history.

Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters pleaded not guilty

Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters pleaded not guilty
Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters pleaded not guilty

On Wednesday, Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters, a well-known Trump supporter charged with breaking security procedures and facilitating an unlawful intrusion into her county’s electoral system, entered a not-guilty plea.

She is facing ten criminal charges, including conspiracy, criminal impersonation, identity theft, and governmental misconduct. Still, she has maintained her stance by saying she was only attempting to look into concerns regarding the Dominion voting machines, which were the subject of conspiracy theories concerning election fraud after the 2020 election.

She further claimed that the accusations against her were politically motivated. However, her department refuted her claims and said the election results were securely archived.

Peters is also the subject of numerous federal and state investigations into possible wire fraud and other violations of campaign finance laws.

Lindell’s connection with Tina Peters

Tina Peters, under federal and state investigation for wire fraud and other campaign finance violations, spoke on stage at a Cyber Symposium that Lindell organized in South Dakota in August 2021. Lindell also made sizable donations to Peters’ legal defense fund in June.

About the author

Eliana Cooper

Eliana Cooper is an esteemed editor at World-Wire, recognized for her expertise in sports and government news. With a background in Journalism and Political Science, she excels in delivering in-depth and factual reporting. Her work is known for its thorough research and clear presentation, making complex topics accessible. Eliana's contributions have earned her recognition, including the "Excellence in Sports Journalism" award in 2023.

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