
How safe is Ohio for Travel – Ohio Travel Safety Guide

How safe is Ohio for Travel - Ohio Travel Safety Guide

In this Ohio travel safety guide, we have answered all safety-related questions, including how safe is Ohio for travel, the safest and most dangerous places, safety tips, and more.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started –

How safe is Ohio for Travel – Ohio Travel Safety Guide

How safe is Ohio for Travel
How safe is Ohio for Travel

Ohio is located in the midwestern part of the USA. With a population of over 11 million, the state ranks 7th as the most populated state in the US. Ohio shares a border with Pennsylvania at the east, Virginia, IndianaKentucky, and Erie Lake.

The state holds a huge list of offerings. The state consists of the three most famous cities in the United States, which are Chillicothe, Columbus (the capital city), and Zanesville. These cities attract most of the tourists.

Apart from the city fun, the state is most famous for sports lovers as it takes care of six professional sports teams, two of which belong to football.

The state is an excellent example of the most live-worthy place in the country’s northeast area. However, some cities like Cincinnatti and Portsmouth pose a threat to tourists, so if you want to know how safe is Ohio, this article will be a lifesaver.

Warnings & Dangers In Ohio

Warnings and Dangers

Overall Risk – Low

The overall risk associated with Ohio is very low as the state has a negligible crime rate overall, and most of the cities count as safe cities in Ohio.

Transport & Taxi Risk – Low

Ohio is based on the suburbs and urban cities, which makes public transport more accessible. There are no such records of crimes in public transport so far. However, try to go for reputed companies to avoid scams when using rideshare services.

Pickpocketer Risk – Low 

The state has low crime rates related to pickpocketing, so you don’t need to worry about pickpocketers. However, callousness can be harmful. Therefore, stay alert in congested areas and keep an eye on your belongings.

Natural Disaster – Medium

Ohio is prone to natural disasters, especially Tornados. Most places in the city face tornadoes in the summer, so if you visit the state between April and September, you can face tornadoes. However, they are not severe but keep an eye on weather updates to avoid disastrous situations.

Mugging Risk – Low

Mugging as a violent crime is mainly committed in urban and metro cities, but Ohio is safe from that. The state has recorded negligible crime related to mugging. However, no matter how safe is Ohio, you must take your safety measures.

Terrorism Risk – Low

The state has not recorded any terrorism risks in its history, so you can stop worrying on this side. In some areas, violent crimes are prevalent, including domestic attacks. Therefore, we recommend staying in safe areas.

Scam Risk – Low

The state is safe from scam risks as there are negligible records of huge scams. However, you may meet scammers in big cities trying to fool you with lucrative offers. Just be aware of such scammers, and you will be safe overall.

Woman Risk – Low 

As per the state’s crime data, woman travelers have no risk in Ohio as people here are mostly open-minded. However, female travelers are always prone to be attacked in unknown places. Therefore, stay aware of your surroundings and follow all safety measures.

Tap water Risk – Low

According to the FDA, Ohio’s tap water is risk-free, and filtration is done correctly. So you can avoid carrying your water bottle all the time with you.

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Safest places to visit in Ohio

When planning a trip to Ohio, you must have prepared an itinerary you will follow. However, if you are open to suggestions, you can consider adding places that we have shared below –

Olmsted Falls

Olmsted Falls, Ohio
Olmsted Falls, Ohio – Image by James Guilford

Olmsted Falls is the safest city in Ohio. It is in Cuyahoga county, a suburb southwest of Cleaveland. With an 8912 population, the town records no violent crimes, and the overall crime rate is 91% below the average.

The city is an assortment of urban and small-town people. With the presence of various educational organizations, the city will offer you to visit several parks and museums.

Apart from those, the city has many shopping and fun activities like Grand Pacific Junction Shopping District, Swings- N-Things, and David Fortier River Park.

Sagamore Hills 

Cleaveland Museum of Art, Ohio
Cleaveland Museum of Art, Ohio

The 2nd place holder of the safest city list in Ohio is Sagamore Hills. Sagamore Hills also records crime 91% below the national average, and non-violent crime is prominent here.

The city is safe to travel to and offers several tourist attractions. You can enjoy the famous rock band shows in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Sagamore Hill never disappoints history lovers as the Cleaveland Museum of Art, and The Museum of Egyptians are located here.

Brandywine falls, and Smolari falls are the most popular tourist spot in Sagamore township. Strolling over the downtown of the city can be a great exploration itself. 

Broadview Heights

Cuyahoga Valley National park, Broadview Heights
Cuyahoga Valley National park, Broadview Heights

Broadview Heights is the 3rd safest city. With a 19,242 total population, the city scores 10.4 violent crimes per capita. The overall crime rate of Broadview Heights is 96% lower than the national average.

This city can be the best place for people who want to settle down. You can not spot many natural tourist spots in this suburban area except Cuyahoga Valley National park, Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath trails, Mill Stream Run Reservation, etc.

However, you can enjoy the city’s manufactured attractions like The Dark Room, Ultimate Escape Challange, and The Boneyard Broadview Height.


Waterville, Ohio
Waterville, Ohio

On the list of how safe is Ohio, Waterville ranks 4th. The crime records of this city are below 85%, with no violent criminal histories. The population of the town is relatively low, with just 5484. The average crime is property theft comes under non-violent crimes.

Maumee River passes through this suburb and creates several tourist attraction spots. Fort Halifax State Historical site, Colby Museum arts, and Waterville Opera House are among the most famous tourist spots.

The city is abundant with more natural spots like Meesalonske Lake, Rotary centennial Trails, Quarry Road Trails, etc.


Penitentiary Glen Waterfall
Penitentiary Glen Waterfall

The city is mainly known as the headquarter of the Latter-day Saint movement and comes 5th among the safest cities. With a limited population, the city also records no violent crimes. The crime rate is 84% below the national average rate.

Being one of the safest places to live, the city also attracts many tourists yearly. The town is near Erie lake, and you can spot a dense green forest here. Holden Arboretum, Kirtland temple, Lake Metroparks Farmworks, and Canopy walks are famous tourist spots here.

You can enjoy outdoor activities here in Kirtland. Penitentiary Glen Wildlife Center, Lake Metroparks Farmparks, and Chapin Forest reservation are the best places for outdoor activities.

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Most dangerous places in Ohio

Even though Ohio is considered an overall safe place to visit, it has some cities where crime rates are prevalent. Therefore, we recommend you stay away from such cities.

These cities are –


The city holds a population of over 21 thousand, and as per the record of 2019 by the FBI, Chillicothe’s crime rate is 1.8 times higher than the national average. The FBI recorded the crime rate is increasing at a 3% rate. Shockingly the property is decreasing while violent crime is accelerating every day. Therefore, this city must be avoided in Ohio.


One of the famous cities in Ohio, Cleaveland, also holds some dark secrets. The city is populated with more than 3 Lakh people, and every 1 out of 69 people has the risk of being a victim of violent crime. The criminal history of the place can shock you. However, if you cannot avoid the city overall, you can avoid visiting St.Clair, wade Parks, and Hough in Cleaveland after dark.


Cincinnati is another major city that is known for its gruesome crime. The population is over 3 Lakhs which makes the town congested. The chances of being a victim are 1 out of 39 people.


Portsmouth has gathered criminal records from the beginning of this century. The crime rate is always higher than the state’s average crime. The population is not so high, around 20 thousand, which also increases the chances of being a victim. The crime is 1.6 times the national crimes in the USA. However, crime-related records seem to be declining in recent years.

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Safety tips to travel in Ohio

Safety Tips

  • Driving, a life-saving skill – Your driving skill might help you to enjoy unexplored places. Also, you might not get public transport everywhere and renting a car is compulsory so you will need this skill.
  • Check the weather report – Even though Ohio isn’t prone to severe natural disasters, it sees tornadoes very often. These tornadoes might not be severe, but they can ruin your trip. Therefore, always keep an eye on the weather report to avoid any type of disastrous situation.

How safe is Ohio for solo travelers?

Ohio is quite safe for solo travelers, especially if they take all safety measures. The crime rates in the overall state are below the national average, and the majority of cities and tourist spots are safe to explore.

However, there are some places in big cities that can be dangerous and, therefore, should be avoided.

How safe is Ohio for solo women travelers?

How safe is Ohio for solo women travelers?
How safe is Ohio for solo women travelers?

For solo female travelers as well, Ohio is quite safe, and they can visit the state without any worries. However, solo female travelers need to take care of a few additional things that are –

  • Avoid roaming alone late at night.
  • Avoid opening up to strangers.
  • Carry something to fight back, such as pepper spray, a hand knife, or something else.

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How safe is Ohio for travel?

Overall, Ohio is quite safe for travel as the majority of the cities in the state is crime free or have a negligible crime rate. On top of that, severe crimes against tourists are literally zero.

There are some big cities like Cleaveland, Cincinnati, and a few more that are prone to crime, but even those crimes take place in some specific areas of the city. So overall, if you can avoid such crime-prone regions, you will be quite safe in Ohio.

With that said, here I am wrapping up this article. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot them in the comment section below. Our team will try to respond ASAP.

About the author

Alex Jones

Alex Jones is a tech-savvy editor at World-Wire, renowned for his expertise in writing detailed technical articles and user-friendly how-to guides. With a background in Information Technology, he excels in demystifying complex tech topics. His work is highly valued for its accuracy and practicality, earning him awards like "Innovator in Tech Journalism" in 2023. Alex's role at World-Wire is pivotal in making technology accessible to a broad audience.

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