
It’s Not Leadership,’ Says AOC of Mayor Eric Adams Attack on Migrants

It's Not Leadership,' Says AOC of Mayor Eric Adams Attack on Migrants

Mayor Adams, a former police officer now a politician, declared on Wednesday night that an influx of immigrants would “destroy New York City” and lamented that he could “not see an ending” to the perceived crisis; he ignited the latest conflagration. He also demanded that the federal government do more to assist.

It’s Not Leadership,’ Says AOC of Mayor Eric Adams Attack on Migrants

However, once video footage of the remarks went viral on social media, supporters of refugee and migrant rights retaliated.

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On Friday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized Adams in a tweet. She acknowledged that the Biden administration should “step up” to act more. She added that while there are solutions to the expanding migrant population, “Alienating people isn’t one of them.”

Ocasio-Cortez stated, “A core issue we have is not solely the presence of asylum seekers. They want to work, and New Yorkers want to hire them. It’s that the government is forcing people to remain on public systems [because] we won’t let them work and support themselves, which is all they want. Work authorizations and extending [temporary protected status (TPS)] can do a lot here.”

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She added that divisive rhetoric like that of Mayor Adams “puts solutions even further away and only escalates tensions and obstacles.”

Ocasio-Cortez criticized those who continue to ignore the root cause of asylum-seekers arriving in the United States due to poverty, safety concerns, or political instability in their own countries is missing a key aspect of the issue.

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The congresswoman stated, “If we want to reduce the number of asylum seekers in general, we must make U.S. foreign policy part of this conversation. We must discuss U.S. policy in Latin America, which often goes ignored by politicians and media alike, despite the fact that it’s a major factor.”

Many people, including Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have criticized Democratic Mayor of New York City Eric Adams for remarks he made this week demonizing asylum seekers and other migrants.

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The co-founder and executive director of the Haitian Bridge Alliance, which fights for the rights and dignity of migrants and asylum seekers in the city, Guerline Jozef, stated that his organization was quite alarmed by the Mayor’s remarks.

Tiffany Cabán, a City Councilmember of Queens, joined the chorus of critics by labeling Adams’ remarks “repugnant MAGA garbage,” referencing the anti-immigrant stance of former President Donald Trump and other prominent Republicans.

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While several prominent Republicans, including far-right presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy, hailed the statements, providing additional proof that the Mayor’s views were more in line with the GOP than the Democratic Party he belongs to.

The Legal Aid Society and Coalition for the Homeless spokesperson Redmond Haskins called the Mayor’s remarks “reckless and unproductive fear-mongering” in an interview with The Gothamist newspaper.

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Haskins stated, “This dangerous rhetoric is something you’d expect from fringe politicians on the far right of the political spectrum, not from the mayor of a city that has always welcomed and celebrated its diverse and critically important immigrant community.”

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A Democratic strategist and consultant named Sawyer Hackett said of Adams, “This is not a person any elected Democrat should take messaging advice from.”

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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