
Who is Donald Trump Running Mate 2024? – Check Facts

Who is Donald Trump Running Mate 2024?

Donald Trump Running Mate 2024 – Former President Donald Trump declared his candidacy for the Presidential Election 2024 on Tuesday, just a week after the Republicans performed below expectations in the US midterm elections.

While declaring his run for the White House again at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, Trump said, “To make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States. I am running because the world is yet to see the true glory of what this nation can be. We will again put America first.”

Even though he declared his candidacy, Donald Trump didn’t say anything about his running mate in 2024.

In this article, we have covered possible Donald Trump running mate in 2024.

So, here we go –

Who is Donald Trump Running Mate 2024?

Who is Donald Trump Running Mate 2024?
Who is Donald Trump Running Mate 2024?

Though the former president is sure to run for the 2024 presidential election, he must first win the GOP nomination against likely opponents, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin. According to the sources, Trump sees DeSantis as a real threat. Various polls have shown the Florida governor leading ahead against Trump.

The former president has clearly stated that the former vice president Mike Pence would not be his running mate. According to testimony to the Select House committee enquiring about January 6, 2021, Capitol attack, Trump criticized Pence for refusing to overturn the election results. In recent rallies, he has teased Pence on single-digit standing in early primary polls.

When asked if he would endorse Trump in 2024, Pence, in an interview, said, “I do believe we will have better choices.,” making it clear that Mike Pence will run his own 2024 bid and is not supporting Trump.

So, the question is, who will be Trump’s running mate in 2024?

Though Trump has not hinted at any name, people close to him said, “his only criteria will be whether the person he chooses will exhibit a total loyalty to him.”

Here are some possible names for Donald Trump running mate 2024 –

Elise Stefanik – Toughest contender to be Donald Trump Running Mate for 2024

Elise Stefanik - Toughest contender to be Donald Trump Running Mate for 2024
Elise Stefanik

Elise Stefanik is a Republican politician who won a 5th term representing the North Country in Upstate New York. She strongly supported Trump and endorsed his 2024 presidential run before his official announcement on Tuesday. She said, “It is very clear Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican party.”

In a statement, she urged Republicans to unite and support the most popular Republican in America, who, according to her, has a verified track record of conservative governance. She got re-elected as GOP conference chair on Tuesday. There are strong chances for Elise Stefanik to be Donald Trump running mate for 2024.

Kari Lake – Possible contender to be Donald Trump Running Mate for 2024

Kari Lake - Possible contender to be Donald Trump Running Mate for 2024
Kari Lake

Republican Kari Lake is a former journalist who lost Arizona’s gubernatorial election to Democrat Katie Hobbs. She is a strong MAGA star who consistently supports Trump’s groundless claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

Lake earlier said she would not be Trump’s running mate as she would serve eight years as governor of Arizona. But her defeat in the recent midterm election has made her a potential Donald Trump running mate for 2024.

Marjorie Taylor Greene

Majorie taylor greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a republican politician, a far-right conspiracy theorist, and a strong Trump supporter. According to New York Times Magazine, the Former president has constantly discussed choosing her as his running mate in 2024 because she has been “unflaggingly loyal” to Mr. Trump.

Greene, in a statement, said she would be honored to serve but does not expect the GOP to support her. She added, “I think the last person the national party wishes is me as his running mate.” However, according to news houses, Green could be Donald Trump running mate for 2024.

Kristi Noem

Kristi Noem

Kristi Noem, the Governor of South Dakota, won reelection last week in a landslide. Fox News has called him a rising star in the Republican Party. Noem said in July that she would support Mr. Trump in 2024 but would be stunned if the former president asked her to be his vice president.

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley is a U.N. ambassador and the former Governor of South Carolina. Haley may declare her bid for president and might not favor Trump after her last statement, “he let us down,” at the beginning of 2021. However, she also said she would not run if Trump ran.

Haley said, “I love this country. I had the satisfaction of serving the state that raised me, and if it looks like there is a place for me next year, I have never lost a race. I am not going to start now. I will put 1,000% in, and I’ll finish it. I will live for this country until my last breath if there’s no place for me.”

Donald Trump 2024 Presidential Run

Trump’s announcement ended as the attorneys filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission for a named “Donald J. Trump for President 2024” committee. The filing marked the new campaign would correspond to an existing Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, authorizing Trump to raise funds for other political efforts.

His campaign will be conducted by Florida operative Susie Wiles, former White House political aide Brian Jack and veteran strategist Chris LaCivita.

His son, Donald Trump Jr., is busy with his political operation, whereas daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, have moved away from Trump since he vacated the White House.

Trump’s haste to declare his 2024 run comes in an attempt to protect himself against several investigations he is currently involved in.

He is facing a legal battle with a congressional committee on his tax records. The Department of Justice is enquiring about him in a criminal investigation into his mishandling of secret government documents. A congressional committee investigating January 6, 2021, U.S Capitol attack by his allies issued a warrant for Trump to testify under oath before the committee. Another inquiry is going on into his social media company, Truth Social.

Trump’s real estate business, “The Truth Organisation,” is on trial for Tax evasion and fraud in New York.

If Trump succeeds in the nomination, he could end up rematching with President Joe Biden, who intends to run for the 2024 Presidential election despite a low approval rate and questions about his age.

About the author

Eliana Cooper

Eliana Cooper is an esteemed editor at World-Wire, recognized for her expertise in sports and government news. With a background in Journalism and Political Science, she excels in delivering in-depth and factual reporting. Her work is known for its thorough research and clear presentation, making complex topics accessible. Eliana's contributions have earned her recognition, including the "Excellence in Sports Journalism" award in 2023.

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