Hard Knocks is a sports reality documentary television series that is produced by NFL Films and HBO. The show was first aired in the year 2001. In every season, it follows a National Football League team and takes us through its training camp and covers the team’s preparation for the upcoming football season. The National Football League and HBO have called the sports series Hard Knocks “the first sports-based reality series” in the history of television series.
Hard Knocks season 15 release date and where to watch?
Hrad Knocks season 15 will be aired on the 11th of August 2020 on the HBO and HBO Max channel. Just like the previous seasons, even the 15th season will have five hour-long episodes, and this will surely be a different season because there are a lot of things that will be different this season than the previous ones. But mostly, the plot remains the same, and the audiences will be taken on a journey along with the team showing everything that they go through in their daily lives, preparation for the upcoming football season.
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Hard Knocks plot:
The series Hard Knocks takes the audience to show the personal and professional lives of the players, coaches, and staff. This also includes their family life, their own life, position battles, and everything that they do for fun, which provides for their pranks and games. It focuses explicitly on rookies’ adjustments to playing in the National Football League, usually putting a lot of emphasis on the team’s most recent top draft pick. They typically go for undrafted picks who are trying their level best to make it to the Team.
Hard knocks team:
The twist in season 15 of Hard Knocks is that unlike the previous seasons, this season will have two teams instead of 1 team, isn’t that exciting news? The last four seasons took the audience on the journey of 1 team, but this team, the fans, will closely see the journey of the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles Chargers. Both these teams have volunteered to be featured in the Hard Knocks season 15. the reason this is exciting is because these teams are less followed, and it will be intriguing for the audience to watch the two teams and their journeys.
Hard Knocks episode time frames:
Episode 1:- 11 August, 10 p.m. ET
Episode 2:- 18 August, 10 p.m. ET
Episode 3:- 25 August, 10 p.m. ET
Episode 4:- 1 September, 10 p.m. ET
Episode 5:- 8 September 10 p.m. ET
So the 15th season of Hard Knocks will be aired on the 11th of August 2020 on the HBO and Hbo Max channel network. So don’t forget to catch not one but two teams in action and follow their journey carefully. The first episode will air at 10:oo pm ET, so don’t be late and stay glued to the screens. Until then, for more such exciting updates, stay connected to world wire.
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