New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Launches Presidential Campaign

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Launches Presidential Campaign

Chris Christie officially enters the 2024 presidential race by announcing his bid in New Hampshire.

Let’s read what the former New Jersey governor said while launching his presidential campaign.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Launches Presidential Campaign

The former New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, launched his presidential campaign with the slogan “Because the truth matters’ in New Hampshire on Tuesday. After officially declaring his bid and filing paperwork with the Federal Election Commission, the former governor has joined the 2024 presidential battle.

Chris Christie took a different approach to announce his run and vocally criticized former president Donald Trump for various things that the former president did not execute despite making promises and winning. Foremost was for not completing the border wall and his repeated false claims of the 2020 presidential election fraud and attempts to overturn his loss.

Christie said,” He undermined our democracy. And the only reason he undermined our democracy was because he was pissed. He undermined our democracy because he was angry we did not reelect him.”

The ex-governor added,” Beware because that leader not only won’t serve you, they will not be able to find anybody who will serve them. And a lonely, self-consumed, self-serving mirror hog is not a leader.”

Christie ran for president earlier in 2016 but ended his bid after a disappointing defeat in the New Hampshire primary election. He became the party’s prominent figure to support Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. But later, he strongly criticized Trump after the January 6 Capitol attack.

Also, See: List of allegations on Donald Trump from Jan 6 hearing.

While criticizing Trump in his announcement event, Christie said,” Let me be clear, in case I have not been already, the person I am talking about who is obsessed with the mirror, who never admits a mistake, who never admits a fault, and will always find someone else and something else to blame for whatever goes wrong, but finds every reason to take credit for anything that goes right, is Donald Trump.”

Trump made a reply to Christie’s announcement by posting on social media, “How many times did Chris Christie use the word ‘Small?'” Does he have a psychological problem with ‘Size’? His speech was Small and not very good. It rambled everywhere, and nobody knew what he was talking about. Hard to watch and boring, but that’s what you get from a failed Governor who left office with a 7% approval rating and then got run out of New Hampshire. This time, it won’t be any different.”

Does Christie’s presidential run impact Trump?

Does Christie's presidential run impact Trump

Though Christie stepped back in the previous presidential run, the former governor appears to be completely involved while launching his bid and announcing his competition with the former president.

Though many polls earlier have declared Trump as a front-runner in the 2024 race, polling analyst Steve Kornacki opined recently, “Christie probably faces the steepest hill of any of the 2024 GOP candidates to become the party’s nominee, but indicates that he could be serious damage to Trump.”

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He added, “So while the general assumption is that Trump benefits with every new candidate who enters the race, I do wonder if Christie could be an exception, that he ends up serving as a battering ram for DeSantis or whoever has the clearest shot at Trump in a key moment, a reversal of 2016.”

Steve continued, “The effect may not be to boost his chances of winning, but more to land meaningful blows against Trump that no other Republican has figured out how to land, thereby boosting a non-Trump candidate.”

During an interview, Republican strategist Mike Murphy said, “Christie’s campaign would effectively be Christie lighting a stick of dynamite and running right at Donald Trump.”

Chris Christie, 60, had served two full terms as New Jersey’s governor and left the office in 2018. Before becoming the 55th governor of the state, Christie served as U.S. attorney for the District of New Jersey under former President George Bush from 2002-2008.

Chris Christie was born in Newark, New Jersey, and possessed a bachelor’s degree in political science from Delaware University. He also holds a J.D. from Seton Hall University School of Law. Being. Republican, it is unclear which key issues the former governor will campaign on running for 2024. But in 2016, Christie focused on criminal justice reform based on community policing efforts, a robust national defense, ex-offender rehabilitation, and a secure national border.

About the author

William Smith

William Smith is a dynamic editor at World-Wire, covering a wide range of topics including health, technology, travel, and events. Known for his ability to simplify complex subjects, he engages readers with his insightful FAQs and articles. His diverse expertise has earned him accolades, including the "Excellence in Diverse Journalism" award in 2022.

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