Read Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner Online

Read Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner Online

Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner, in which he is telling his side of the tale of his service as an advisor to former US president Donald Trump; Kushner describes how a sincere businessman with no political aspirations was drawn into a presidency that no one anticipated in a fast-paced and startlingly honest account. 

In this article, we will explore the Steps to Read the Book, overview, price, and book review. We will also explore about the author in this article. 

Steps to Read Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner Online

To Read Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner can be read online on google play. Type Read Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner online. Then open the link of google play; after opening it, pay for the book and read it.

Breaking History: A White House Memoir Book Overview 

The president rarely gives advisors the full attention they deserve. Jared Kushner, a top adviser, works quietly from his office next to Trump. 

He delegated turf battles to others. Did anyone predict that he would call his autobiography “Breaking History” after becoming “Mechanic” by the Secret Service?

Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner
Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner

There is no self-awareness in the title of this book. Readers in Breaking History look inside at Oval Office discussions to double cross the UN, tense gatherings in Arab palaces, high-stakes talks, leaks, unfounded claims, inquiries, and West Wing infighting. Rather than a typical political biography, this one is an actual historical thriller. 

Kushner describes Washington’s fierce opposition to change and explains how he overcame previous impasses. Among Beltway power brokers, Kushner was an executive who prioritized outcomes and an outsider among outsiders. 

He challenged long-held beliefs and achieved extraordinary success in trade, criminal justice reform, COVID-19 vaccine production, and Middle East peace.

Also, Read | Download Political Prisoner Book by Paul Manafort Online 

Breaking History Book by Jared Kushner offers the most accurate, nuanced, and comprehensive account of a presidency that will be studied for centuries. It was written by one of the few people who were by Trump’s side from his descent down the golden escalator to his final departure from Andrews Air Force Base. 

This book was Amazon’s #1 best seller. Users can read half the book for free at Google Books. Before buying a book, users can read half of the text on this weblink.

Breaking History: A White House Memoir Book Price

Breaking History Book Price
Breaking History Book Price

The price of this book on amazon is $14.62 on Kindle; The audiobook is freely available; the reader with a hardcover is $21 and $31.99 for a paperback book.

Breaking History: A White House Memoir Book review 

According to his historically scathing assessment of it, breaking History is essentially one of the worst books Dwight Garner has ever read, published on Wednesday. 

Garner explained that The New York Times wasn’t in the business of simply informing its readers, “This book is bad; don’t buy it unless you plan to use the pages to line your bird cage.” Unsurprisingly, as Garner points out, Kushner appears to be completely oblivious that the primary reason he was appointed to the White House job was not that he is a child genius.

Young Kush claimed that it was not a huge concern that he was turned down for top-secret security clearance until his father-in-law allegedly stepped in.

Additionally, he still seems to believe that Charles Kushner’s prosecution by then-US attorney Chris Christie for tax fraud and hiring a prostitute to have sex with his brother-in-law, filming the encounter, and then mailing the video to his sister in retaliation for the brother-in-law cooperating with federal investigators was unfair.

If that doesn’t bother you, Kushner explains to readers in a passage on his relationship with Mohammed bin Salman that he wasn’t ready to abandon the Saudi crown prince over a minor kidnapping and mutilation.

About the author Jared Kushner

The founder of the multinational investment company Affinity Partners is Jared Kushner. He previously held the position of CEO of Kushner Companies and senior adviser to President Donald Trump. 

Jared Kushner
Jared Kushner

Additionally, he launched WiredScore and Cadre, two tech firms. He was recognized In the Grove of Nations outside of Jerusalem; Israel established the Kushner Garden of Peace in tribute to Jared’s success in negotiating the Abraham Accords.

He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and won the National Security Medal, the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, the Grand Cordon of the Order of Ouissam Alaouite from Moroccan King Mohammed VI, and several other awards.

With his wife, Ivanka, and three kids, he resides in Florida. as one of Fortune’s 40 under 40 in 2015 and Time’s 100 Most Influential People in 2017.

Jared was given the highest accolade bestowed by Mexico in 2018, the Aztec Eagle Award.

For helping to plan and direct Operation Warp Speed, which produced COVID-19 vaccines at record speed, he received a presidential citation. 

About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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