
Ron DeSantis Unveils ‘NO Excuses’ Border Plan for Immigration

Ron DeSantis Unveils ‘NO Excuses’ Border Plan for Immigration

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is unveiling his border plan for illegal immigration, the first major policy rollout the Republican presidential candidate has shared as he prepares to compete in the upcoming primaries.

Let’s read the news and learn what the Governor proposes in his policy.

Ron DeSantis Unveils ‘NO Excuses’ Border Plan For Immigration

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced his border plan for immigration on Monday at a campaign event in Eagle Pass, Texas, after he toured the US-Mexico border on Sunday.

DeSantis called secure borders a necessity for a free society. He said to the crowd of about 100 in Eagle Pass border city, “I have listened to people in D.C. for years and years and years, going back decades, Republicans and Democrats, always chirping about this yet never actually bringing the issue to a conclusion.”

In his first presidential policy proposal, DeSantis pledged to end birthright citizenship, build the southern border wall and send U.S. forces into Mexico to control drug cartels.

Check Out: ‘Stop the Invasion’: Ron DeSantis Previews Major Border Policy Rollout

The Governor’s ‘No Excuses’ southern border policy expressed his concern about finishing the southern border wall construction. He asserted that he would change the rules of engagement so agents who catch people attempting to climb or cut the wall would manage them with force.

The major change the Governor told to enact is ending birthright citizenship for illegal migrants. According to him, the idea that children of illegal immigrants are entitled to citizenship if born in the United States must end.

The policy also suggests targeting cartels to control the supply of fentanyl, as chemical overdose has been the leading cause of death for American adults aged 18-49. The Governor said he would work to define cartels as terrorist or transnational criminal organizations to give the government more authority to control their supply.

DeSantis said he would reserve the right to operate across the border to secure the U.S. territory from Mexican cartel activities

The policy also mandates using military force against drug cartels if necessary. DeSantis said he would reserve the right to operate across the border to secure the U.S. territory from Mexican cartel activities. He plans to call for the U.S. Navy and the Coast Guard to block the precursor chemicals from entering Mexican ports if the Mexican government does not stop cartel drug manufacturing.

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DeSantis also said he would cease the ‘catch-and-release’ policy to maintain migrants at the southern border detained until their hearings and also to terminate the ‘Flores loophole’ that requires children to be released from detention within 20 days.

Considering border safety as a major issue, DeSantis addressed the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday and said he would be the president to end the ongoing border crisis.

The Governor, “I will finally be the president to bring the issue of our open southern border to a conclusion. I have heard about this since I have been an adult. For decades, we have complained about the open border and everything that is happening. Now is the time to act. On day one, we declare a national emergency and mobilize all assets, including the military.”

The Florida Governor is the second leading runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination after former president Donald Trump.

About the author

Nancy Beverly

Nancy Beverly is a prominent political journalist and editor at World-Wire, known for her sharp analysis and deep understanding of global politics. With a Master's degree in Political Science, she excels in breaking down complex political issues, making them relatable to the public. At World-Wire, Nancy crafts compelling political narratives covering everything from local governance to international relations. Recognized for her expertise, she received the 'Excellence in Political Journalism' award in 2021. Nancy's work not only informs but also enriches her readers' understanding of political dynamics.

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