Watch: Trump All But Declares 2024 Candidacy during Fiery Michigan Speech

Trump All But Declares 2024 Candidacy during Fiery Michigan Speech

On Saturday, former President Donald Trump spoke at the “Save America” rally tour energizing a crowd in Michigan’s important battleground state and edging closer to sounding like a presidential candidate in 2024.

As is customary, the former president aimed at President Joe Biden’s government, claiming that Americans had never felt “so low, so dejected” until the present administration entered office.

He also brought up some familiar topics, such as this year’s midterm elections, which he believes will offer Republicans a strong opportunity to retake Congress and basically make Biden a bad president for the remaining two years of his tenure.

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The stakes of this year’s midterm elections, Trump warned the gathering during his indoor speech, could not be greater. He stated that he does not believe we (people of America) have ever felt so down, so discouraged in the country. He stated that what is happening is very unacceptable.

He also stated that we are living in the most perilous moment of our lives and that we have a president who has no concept of what’s going on. He reiterated that Biden has no idea what he’s doing, what he’s saying, or where he is, but that he’s doing a terrific job otherwise.

Trump claims that the United States’ reputation is being destroyed across the world as a result of its administration. He claims that historians would look back on this era as a “catastrophic low point” in history, a blemish on our once-impressive reputation.

Save America rally

He then offered optimism for a positive outcome by stating, “It’s stained now, but we’ll get rid of that stain.” He went on to say that our country has never been treated with such contempt and disgust by other foreign leaders.

He continued, “but while there may be nothing we can do to stop Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline, with your vote this November we can stop our country’s decline, and we can Make America Great Again.”

Trump calls Psaki “the woman with the really beautiful red hair”

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Former President Donald Trump refers to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki as “the woman with the really beautiful red hair” during the Save America rally in Washington Township, Michigan.

Trump on illegal immigration

Trump focused on a major problem during his first presidential campaign and term: illegal immigration, which has surged throughout Biden’s administration.

There’s never been anything like it, Trump said, adding that “we’re being invaded” is the right phrase. “We’re being invaded by millions and millions of people.

Save America rally

” Many of them are criminals who should not be permitted to enter the United States.

He stated that we will pay a price, and it will be a very large one, in the future. All have to wait and see. Unfortunately, he said that he’ll be correct on both counts.

Trump slammed Biden’s administration for resuming the Iran nuclear agreement

Trump chastised the Biden administration for resuming the Iran nuclear agreement. He had suspended this during his presidency, and for depending on two adversarial governments — Russia and China — to conduct those talks.

Trump Biden

He exclaimed, “How stupid is this country?” since Russia is negotiating the agreement with China as a backup. He went on to say that they are both foolish and that the transaction is a disaster. He said that no one can believe it, but we’re handing over everything — everything we fought for with Iran.




About the author

Sanjay Singh

Sanjay Singh is a skilled journalist known for his expertise in news writing and technical articles. With a background in Communication and Technology, Sanjay excels in simplifying complex tech topics for his readers. His passion for truth shines through in his engaging and informative writing style, making him a respected voice in journalism.

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