Dominion Voting Systems Corporation is involved in a 1.6 Billion dollar lawsuit by Mike lindell, It is a company that develops and sells electronic voting hardware and software, including voting machines and tabs, in the United States and Canada. DVS ( Dominion Voting Systems) manufactures electronic voting machines that allow voters to vote electronically, as well as optical scanners for counting paper ballots. DVS machines are used in countries around the world, primarily in Canada and the United States. Dominion products have been increasingly utilized in the United States in recent years. According to Dominion Voting , they are serving more than 40% of the US Voters.
Why did Mike Lindell file a $1.6 Billion lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems
The sky of relationship between Mike lindell and DVS has not been very clear in the recent times. In January 2021, Dominion sent a letter to Mike Lindell, saying that “you position yourself as a prominent leader in an ongoing disinformation campaign” and that “a lawsuit over these issues is imminent. “. Lindell told The New York Times: “I would be very happy if they sued me because I have all the evidence against them.” This was issue was internally resolved later.
Important Update – Watch Mike Lindell Live about Frankspeech and Absolute Interference Documentary
On 19th April Mike lindell hosted the most epic launch of his latest venture Frankspeech, FRANK or Frankspeech is a social media paltform for free speech and freedom of speech, the launch was one of the most visited launch in the history because it hit a whooping 19 Million traffic at the time of launch and it crashed the website. Mike Lindell did a 48 hour live session with millions of viewers and hundreds of his fellow friends and influencers. During the Launch of frankspeech at one point he mentioned Dominion Voting Systems Corporation and later revealed that he has filed a law suit worth 1.6 Billion against them. It turns out that there is already a lawsuit against Mike lindell for defaming filed by Dominion Voting Systems Corporation in Early February , 2021.
Reason Behind the Lawsuit
Mike lindell filed 1.6 Billion Dollar law suit against DVS in damages because Dominion not only went after his company but his 2,500 employees from both parties. Lindell Lost 20+ retailers and cannot go on big networks. Cannot even say the word Dominion or Smartmatic. As per Lindell That is a basic First Amendment issue and thus he has filed the lawsuit for damages that has occured to him and his employees.
Frankspeech latest Launch date
At, Lindell reported that 9 million people were trying to access the site at 10:45 AM . Despite ongoing cyberattacks on the platform, Lindell said there is an “emergency plan” and the site will be available soon for registration and usage.
Lindell has also launched his latest documentary ” Absolute Interference ” . It is going to AIR on One America News Network worldwide, you can find more information about this here – Where to watch Absolute Interference
This was all about the latest law suit that Mike Lindell filed. Keeping reading for more information.
Great documentary – thanks for all your hard work & may God be with you with you suit. I’m a bit frustrated w/my inability to regiter for Frankspeech. When I click on the register item, it takes me to your documentary but not to registration. Many thanks & God bless. Help!!
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just heard Smartmatic execs fled the Philippines ahead of an investigation into their activities in the last election there.